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changing isolation

Depression & Anxiety | Last Active: Nov 18, 2023 | Replies (15)

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I was forced to retire at 59 due chronic fatigue and brain fog. Something happened to me after I contracted Lyme disease a few years ago. I just can’t function like I used to. I used to be very active with my job and playing in a band. I had many friends and a good life. Now I’m isolated because I have such little energy. It’s a terrible place to be. I was prescribed Adderall when I was working to keep me going but it caused terrible crashes where I would have to just stay in bed. I wish I knew what to do. I did try volunteering a couple hours a week after I retired but had to stop because of bad days where I couldn’t drive. I don’t socialize much because I never know when I’m going to be having a bad day and would need to cancel. I’ll follow this discussion for ideas. Thanks for posting this.

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Replies to "I was forced to retire at 59 due chronic fatigue and brain fog. Something happened to..."

Hi there
Theres a multitude of groups here--if you pop in & out if them as I do I find it helps to occupy your mind.
Think i will try remembering the jokes from the "have s laugh forum" to cheer up my low days would this work for you ??
Camera Clubs can be goid if introverted as you are amongst people at monthly meetings but then outings can be solo or you can choose to go with the group but on your own
Good luck fjnding what suits you

Hi Friend,
I can relate to virtually everything you've said. I got laid off at 56, a year after I had brain surgery for partial epilepsy. The operation (I was awake) and the long, long emotional recovery put me thru h_ll. I'm now 64 and never did get a full-time or permanent part-time job since. We had to sell our house at a loss and move back home to an apartment. My wife (of 33 years) still works, and I am so grateful for her support. (We were not able to have children, but I've accepted that.) At least I have a wonder wife (who has physical health issues). My heart goes out to all the single people. You are NOT alone. I just try to be thankful for what I've got.