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<p>I have been on clonazapam for over 30 years to help with sleep and anxiety. I’m currently taking 1.5 mg at night. I also take Mirtazapine 7.5 mg for sleep. Even at this dose I am up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep. In order to seal off these meds because they cause weight gain I was wondering if a CBD oil or gummy would help me wean off of these weight gaining addictive drugs. What can I do? I believe if there is a safe gummy to take would I be able to reverse weight gain and medicine that causes me to need more and more. So, can it be done with safe CBD oil or gummies and how can I do this? I also have IBS and don’t want more diarrhea.</p>

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Replies to "I have been on clonazapam for over 30 years to help with sleep and anxiety. I’m..."

Don't take this the wrong way, but not sure anyone on this Board should or would be qualified to answer your question. Secondly, why are you assuming these two drugs are to blame for your weight gain for 30+ years of usage? Unfortunately, due to our lifestyles, most people gain substantial weight over 30 year period without using any meds? Best to you!

Up until a year ago I weighed 131, have been this weight or less my whole life. I know that My clonazapam was increased and I managed to reduce the Mirtazapine. I exercize all day, every day and eat minimally nutritious foods with no decrease in my weight. I’m just asking what else can I do? I felt that you dismissed me with your email. You know nothing about me. So thanks for nothing,

All psych meds cause metabolic issues, the science is irrefutable.

The overwhelming majority of psychiatric meds cause weight gain to one degree or another, Wellbutrin being one notable exception, it has other side effects to worry about.

I my experience most, yes most, physicians dismiss these issues as trivial. The worst of them blame the patient. Unfortunately there is no easy way to determine the cause of the metabolic problems, the simply do not know!

Better to dismiss the issue or blame the patient. If the trade off is weight gain versus suicide I guess a little weight gain is to be tolerated. However, it is seldom that simple.

The side effects of psychiatric medications are broad (just about anything) deep (can cause, yes cause, the problems for which they were prescribed) and long lasting. Sometimes the negative effects never go away.

Reliable unbiased information is a Google search away.

I have posted on this subjected extensively. In deference to other members who are sick of reading about it I won't rant any further. You can click on my username and see all the posts.

I will leave you with this; everything you want to know will be on page one of a Google search.

Why don't providers know?

I have a number of theories. I'll leave that for another post.

I hope you find the peace you deserve.

Welcome, @queenlori. There are many discussions on Mayo Clinic Connect where members are supporting members as they taper of clonazapam. You can see a list of them here:
- https://connect.mayoclinic.org/search/discussions/?search=clonazapam

To help you connect with other members like @lisabass @falon @con123 @frouke @dfb who asked about using CBD to help with a taper, I moved your question to this existing discussion. Click the link to read from the beginning.

- Using either CBD and/or THC during Clonazepam discontinuance

I agree with @arthur57 that finding a "bridge" option to help you with your taper is best discussed with your prescribing doctor. I'm sorry that you felt dismissed by the original reply to your post. I don't think that was the intent. Unfortunately, we only have words on the screen without the benefit of tone and body language. That said, words matter and I want you to feel supported in your efforts.

Thank you for clarifying your weight gain pattern and explaining that the weight gain is new and possibly linked to an increase in dosage. I would be concerned about that too. It is frustrating that eating well and exercising routinely has not helped mitigate the problem.

Have you had a chance to talk with your doctor about a safe tapering schedule and a possible bridge to help with the taper? What is your tapering schedule?