← Return to Dementia: Just diagnosed and scared


Dementia: Just diagnosed and scared

Brain & Nervous System | Last Active: Nov 13, 2023 | Replies (77)

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I was preliminarily given a diagnosis of pre Dementia by an OT. I had been to PT as I had been falling. PT found that I was okay motor skill-wise until anything cognitive was added ...so I went to OT. I then went to a neurologist who could not diagnose anything but was certain something was going on. He made a referral to get a Nero Phycology Test. I am lucky I can get into the University of Iowa Neurology on December 20th.

I am experiencing headaches (brain aches) when I get stressed from testing, my iPhone, working
on my computer, reading, etc. Today I got so frustrated on my iPhone because I went blank trying to do a simple task. It resulted in 2 hours of pain in my head.
Anyone else have this happen?

My apologies if I stole the OP thread, did not know where to go.

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Replies to "I was preliminarily given a diagnosis of pre Dementia by an OT. I had been to..."

I’m so sorry for your diagnosis. I pray that it is found to be incorrectly diagnosed and with further testing you’ll be given new hope.

My mother has dementia/alzheimer’s is in a memory care facility now. She seems happy. Because you caught it early there are a lot of new medications and they are working hard to find more.

Good Luck! God bless you. I will pray for you.
