Interspinous Process Spacers for spinal stenosis

Posted by martyk @martyk, Nov 8, 2021

Has anyone tried Stabilink (MIS Interlaminar Spinal Fixation System). It's a device placed in the spinal cord for people suffering from degenerative disc desase and have chronic back pain. It includes spondylolisttheis.

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What are the alternatives for spinal stenosis and slipped disc ? So for I have had injections that have helped but they are just temporary

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@shar1120 Sometimes the spine injections are used as a diagnostic because when they do help, it tells the surgeon what may be improved upon by doing surgery. Is your disc herniated? The reason I am asking is because when the jelly like contents of a disc are squished out, it causes inflammation and can cause bone spurs to grow. This can progress rapidly. I saw this on my MRIs and saw them double in 9 months time. It was all pressing into my spinal cord, and the only way to help that by decompressing the spinal cord was surgery.


What are the alternatives for spinal stenosis and slipped disc ? So for I have had injections that have helped but they are just temporary

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Since the Minuteman procedure with the interspinous spacer has not helped my pain at all, and the Epidural injections have not helped me - I am going to be seeing my physician regarding having the Spinal Cord Stimulator procedure done.


Try an inversion table.

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I have tried that
If I lie on the floor and put my legs up on the couch, it relieves pressure as well.


3 interspinious spacers removed during laminectomy for spinal stenosis now back and leg pain even greater and spine is misaligned any comments?


Try an inversion table.

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I purchased one with a vibrator and heater. I think it has helped more than: Physical Therapy, exercising, Gabapen (sp) and massaging. Temporary for now but think it will be more permanent the more I use it. Worth a try for yourself, they are not that expensive. I paid $138.00.


Stabilink (MIS Interlaminar Spinal Fixation System).


I recently (2 months ago) had Stabilink installed between L4-L5, to replace a Vertiflex Superion which became dislodged after 2 1/2 years pain free.
During the new procedure the Vertiflex was removed and new device installed. I am now relatively pain free and working on getting strength back. Spinal stenosis symptoms are reduced about 80-90%.
I figured if it didn't work these devices do not preclude any more invasive treatment if needed in the future. I am happy with the results.


@dstarkey Welcome to Connect, and thank you for sharing your experience. I'm glad the procedure worked for you.



Hi @dstamm and welcome to the Spine community. Great to read of your success with VS. Lumbar work can be difficult and it takes significant effort and time to claw your way back to "normal". If you'd like to share - what sorts of PT and/or exercise are you doing to regain your strength?


Has anyone heard of or had Interspinous Process Spacers for lumbar spinal stenosis?

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Yes - I had an Interspinous Spacer inserted about 3-years ago, perhaps 4. I can only say that this spacer did nothing for my Lumbar spinal stenosis pain, and I will be having it removed next month when I have a Laminectomy and Microdiscectomy by a Neurosurgeon. This is being done because I have been suffering with severe Sciatica since November.

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