Has anyone had a ERCP to deal with jaundice and nausea?

Posted by brookie82 @brookie82, Oct 23, 2023

I was suffering with jaundice and nausea. I had a ERCP and had good results. But I’m interested to know how you felt afterwards.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Pancreatic Cancer Support Group.


I will say prayers for your healing and return to good health.
22 years ago, suffering with a diagnosis of Sphincter of Oddi Disfunction, I had an obstructed Biliary Duct.
In total I had 3 ERCP procedures. A gastroenterogist who supposesidly was experienced in performing ERCP's during the 2nd ERCP placed a stent in the Biliary duct and perforated the duodenum.
Ended up in ICU for 2 weeks, suffered a bile burn on the pancreas, very ill. (NOTE: This happened 4 months before my daughter got married)
2 weeks following the the ICU hospitalization the stent became dislodged, 3rd ERCP to remove the stent. 2 weeks after this procedure, the gall bladder got infected, Energency surgery to remove the gall bladder.
( You Can't Make this S...T up)
Suffered with horrible pain, pancreatc enzyme abnormalities, pancreatitis. Diarrhea. Lost 40 lbs.
Fast forward to 2023, I have bouts of panreatitis, horrible abdominal cramping after eating heavy meals, can not digest fats, pain on upper rt flank of back.
With rest, diet restriction and acupuncture, the symptoms subside. Most recently had a MRCP and CT Scan everything looks fine.
My question is what were your symptoms with ductal cancer? I have lived with this for so long guess its the body's response to so much trauma.
Good Luck to you and
Take care
Colleen P

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Your symptoms are concerning. Pancreatitis can be a precursor to pancreatic cancer. (Read this long after diagnosis). Have you had an ERCP? I’d get a second opinion too. Do you have unexplained weight loss? Nausea and back pain to shoulders could be pancan symptoms. Itchy/ nausea/ jaundice - discolored urine and pale stools. You can have only one symptom or none.


I've read you can go up to 6 months with some stents in the common bile duct. I think mine was rated for that. It was a semi-metallic model from Boston Scientific. It lasted me until removal during my Whipple procedure 6 months later; thankful for all that!

@collenp , your luck sounds like my family story the past year. You really can't make that kind of story up! My sympathy and best wishes to you in all of it.

As far as symptoms go before the initial diagnosis of PDAC, in the order they developed:
Some unexplained weight loss (hard to separate from my deliberate weight loss at the same time)
Elevated liver enzymes during my annual physical (good timing)
Jaundice becoming visible in whites of my eyes
Increasingly discolored stool and urine
Jaundice becoming visible in my skin tone
Back pain maybe coincidental; couldn't distinguish from separate muscular issue
Increased itching of skin


Stents don’t stay open or clean for very long. Maximum duration in estimated at 12 weeks before it needs to be replaced. My stents lasted on average 8-9 weeks. Mine moved. Once up
Into my liver, once downward. I had four ERCPs before Whipple. I read somewhere there are expert ERCP stent doctors - I think that’s a great find. In the midst of chemo, the surgeries and stents were not good to deal with but necessary. And ERCP procedures have risks too.

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I too went through so much 20 years ago. 3 ERCP''s, botched stent placement, perforated duodenum, pancreatitis, amylase and lipase elevations, gall bladder infected, emergency surgery to remove, fast forward, 4th moderna covid vaccine caused elevated amylase and lipase, fever, abdominal cramping, took a month after receiving covid vaccine for things to settle down, now suffering with recurrent pancreatitis, cramping, right upper flank pain, front and back.
Watching diet, acupuncture seems to settle things down.
I repeated this in a previous post, when the body goes through trauma, it takes a long time to heal and you are always left with side effects. I am a 67 year old wife, mother and grandmother. I live my life, enjoying my family, less doctors appointments, no more covid vaccinations.
(NOTE: I just had a Cat Scan and MRCP.) Everything looked good.
You take care, saying prayers for you.
Thank you listening.
Colleen P


I've read you can go up to 6 months with some stents in the common bile duct. I think mine was rated for that. It was a semi-metallic model from Boston Scientific. It lasted me until removal during my Whipple procedure 6 months later; thankful for all that!

@collenp , your luck sounds like my family story the past year. You really can't make that kind of story up! My sympathy and best wishes to you in all of it.

As far as symptoms go before the initial diagnosis of PDAC, in the order they developed:
Some unexplained weight loss (hard to separate from my deliberate weight loss at the same time)
Elevated liver enzymes during my annual physical (good timing)
Jaundice becoming visible in whites of my eyes
Increasingly discolored stool and urine
Jaundice becoming visible in my skin tone
Back pain maybe coincidental; couldn't distinguish from separate muscular issue
Increased itching of skin

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Thank you so much for your reply. I do not experience any of the symptoms you described. I do not have jaudice, or itching.
Its the digestion process, digesting fats which i have had difficulty after the gall bladder was removed, so i will be deligent in recognizing changes in any of the symptoms you have described. Thank you again for your help. I send prayers to you for your healing and strength.
Take care
Colleen P

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