← Return to Help! I have a new diagnosis of Pituitary/adrenal insufficiency,

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Thank you for the kind words. I have been fighting for a diagnosis for so long! I have been unable to work for the past 3 months due to the nature of my job and the symptoms of my illness. I am having a hard time getting any doctors to write for FMLA. They all act like I should just magically feel better. I don't. I have a few symptoms that have improved, but for the most part, I don't feel better. How in the world could I work 10-12 hours?

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Replies to "Thank you for the kind words. I have been fighting for a diagnosis for so long!..."

You can’t!!! I am not sure where you live. Are you able to do reduced hours? (Only if you are well enough to return). It is a shock when you have your first flare that completely halts your life/world. It is hard enough for you to understand what is happening to you (when you get zero guidance from the professionals). I don’t know how you feel mentally but you may find if you direct the conversation towards anxiety/depression you may get more help but you may also get labelled (just being honest). I wish you well.