Correlation between increased neuropathy pain and fluid retention?

Posted by iceblue @iceblue, Apr 8, 2020

My feet were on fire pretty much the entire day yesterday, and I could not figure out why. Then at some point I realized I was retaining fluid and found myself wondering if fluid retention in some way impacts neuropathy pain levels. Does anyone know if there is a correlation between fluid retention and neuropathy pain?

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My Nerve pain is from my butt to my feet thru my legs. I have a TBI from my bicycle accident so my right-side of anything is weaker than my left from 12 years ago. Just a couple years ago, I - who can’t drive anymore - feel down from my butt when my wife parking in our garage… that killed me and no have pain from the back of my 2 legs. I’ve tried a little different things. The best I’ve had is - in TV or this website - is not meds, but sorta health: Nerve Control 911 x2 a day. It lasts 8-10 hours. Right now, I set one 11am and add the second at this coming 2pm… I hope it will be longer.


Sorry, I’m adding this next mth… I’m going to the next city and see “why” what happened when I well down=n in my garage on my 2 butts pain down to my feet and loss of balance on my right-side from my knee down. According to that coming doctor will check the points of these. It’s a computer-use so hopefully that program doing the right way -even keep me the same bad thing…


I’ve been suffering from CRPS for 10 years following bunion and hammer toe surgery.
Gabapentin didn’t work for me.
Any kind of stress definitely increases the pain.
I’d like to try CBD, and wonder what CBD Brand you might recommend? If naming a brand is allowed here?

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I have an ankle that is very painful (areas are bone on bone). I use Care By Design CBD-Rich Sublingual Drops. HOWEVER, I do NOT ingest it. I massage it into the joint. Gives me relief so I can sleep. Two other relatives tried it that way also and were pleased with the pain relief. Go figure.


It seems like every time I have edema, I have neuropathy too, like my feet are on fire. I’m wondering if there’s a connection too. And what helps it?

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