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Hello @mbcfl and welcome to the Pancreatic Cancer support group on Mayo Connect. I am glad that you found this forum and that you feel it has been helpful to you. It is always good to connect with others who share the same journey.

You are asking a lot of good questions and that is important. It sounds like you are being seen by some experienced physicians as well. I'm sure that as you post with others in this group, they will share their experience with you. I hope that members such as @markymarkfl @mmatunis will share with you as well. I can see that you are concerned about the changes in the scans done at different facilities. While it is impossible to know if this was due to a change in the equipment used, the interpretation of the radiologists or perhaps a real growth in the cancer itself. It is important to put it all in perspective.

You mention being seen at the University of Cincinnati as well as the Moffit Cancer Center in Florida, but you also said, "Mayo measured it on 10/17 as 745." I was wondering if you were also seen at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Fl?

How are you feeling? What types of symptoms are you having?

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Replies to "Hello @mbcfl and welcome to the Pancreatic Cancer support group on Mayo Connect. I am glad..."

Hello, thank you for your prompt response! You are a better proofreader than I am! Yes, that should have said Moffitt repeated it and the level was 745. I guess since I was logged into a Mayo website my chemo brain kicked in ( my newest excuse for an “oops”).
I’ll see if I can add a post to clarify that, thx.
Thank you for asking, I am actually feeling pretty good. That is another reason. I think I need to deal with the devil that we know vs the devil that we don’t. I am eating pretty well, I’ve been able to maintain my weight, which I know is a big deal, and most days I am walking 30 to 60 minutes. I doubt if I would be able to do that if they switched me to the Folfironox.
And the several month delay that would cause might not make me a suitable candidate for surgery by then.
Again, thank you for your response!