← Return to No breathlessness when walking and climbing, but anxious

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Hello @jfching, and WELCOME to Mayo Connect! If I understand correctly, you have had heart failure in the past, but all your tests of late show really good news?
To me that is awesome and totally was not a waste of time or money to learn your heart is doing really good.
Big sigh of relief!
I love how you say you feel so good when you exercise and your mind clears...that sounds like a super positive motivation to keep doing something really good for both your mind and your body.
Win/Win 🙂
I know for myself, having HOCM and feeling like I might die at any moment due to SCD (Sudden Cardiac Death) it really did a number on my heart and my head! I was in my head a lot, and there were times I wondered if I would wake up dead in the morning. I was able to round-up those thoughts, capture them, and corral them together so I could manage them better. Thoughts are powerful and can control you, but you can control them too with practice. I prayed. A lot. That is what helped me. Others find meditation helpful. And one of the most beneficial treatments for almost everyone is exercise! Walking in nature is therapeutic. And walking is good for your heart and head. You have had some reassurance now from more than one cardiologist, so I hope that helps to hear. Hopefully you can let it sink in a little bit more each day. Just out of curiosity, did they look for HCM? (Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy) I did not see you mention an ECHO was done, but you did have a cardiac MRI?

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Replies to "Hello @jfching, and WELCOME to Mayo Connect! If I understand correctly, you have had heart failure..."

Hi, thank you for your encouraging reply, last July, I was asked to repeat ECG and 2d echo. cardiac MRI was done last August. I am wondering since I am on meds and have my regular three month check ups with positive tests, if arterial blockage can form suddenly, but I guess I am just overthinking. I know if there is a block and the heart is so pressured, simple walking or climbing 4 flight of stairs would be a challenge. I am not familiar with HCM, but i also had chest xray for heart enlargement plus ct scan. The cardio last October told me that I did not have a heart attack. My heart was just inflammed because my hypertension was so high (200 at that time) due to diabetes. The fear is so strong even though 2 cardios already assured me I am fine. I am 47 by the way, thus, I am really careful about my health.