Correlation between increased neuropathy pain and fluid retention?

Posted by iceblue @iceblue, Apr 8, 2020

My feet were on fire pretty much the entire day yesterday, and I could not figure out why. Then at some point I realized I was retaining fluid and found myself wondering if fluid retention in some way impacts neuropathy pain levels. Does anyone know if there is a correlation between fluid retention and neuropathy pain?

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I didn’t have the swelling in my hands and feet until I started taking Pregabalin. Cutting down on my doses and frequencies also cut down on some of the swelling.


The swelling may reflect inflammation increasing as the barometric pressure is dropping as a cold front is approaching/arriving. Increased inflammation means more fluid pressing on your nerve fibers, and irritating them, causing more pain. That's one theory. Ice packs may help reduce the swelling and inflammation.


I have fluid retention in my thighs and it does cause nerve pain when sitting upright too long. So hard to compress that area.


From a physiological point the swelling places pressure between the skin in the tissues which in turn puts pressure on your vessels, nerves, muscles as well. If the edema goes unchecked and backs up to your groin area you’re on your way to potentially more serious issues. So reducing the edema does play a very large part if you’re experiencing this in addition to already diagnosed PN. Also, I n addition to weight gain Lyrica causes peripheral edema. There’s always a trade off unfortunately.
I have PN but no edema. I’ve found that if I stretch before bed and keep my feet and legs warm at night it reduces my incidents of cramps and pain. I take oral Baclofen for spasms and buprenorphine patch, THC, CBD for pain and I’m off oxycodone completely.


There is a correlation between the two. Your blood vessels (arteries/veins) run off the autonomic nervous system. If you have small fiber neuropathy it affects the blood vessels capabilities of taking the blood flow up and down your legs along with muscle control. If not working right due to nerve damage blood pools in your legs. I see a cardiologist and he explained how the neuropathy affects the swelling in my legs and now it’s turned into lymphedema. I have worn TED hose compression 20-30 for over 15 years. These are prescription and hard to get off. I need help getting them on and off. The cardiologist just ordered me a lymphedema machine and legs things that cover my whole legs.


I have this problem. Makes it very hard to sleep. Also have edema. I am on Dulextine 30 mg. Can sometimes leave a depression in my ankle/leg. Anyone else found that this medicine increases edema?


I have this problem. Makes it very hard to sleep. Also have edema. I am on Dulextine 30 mg. Can sometimes leave a depression in my ankle/leg. Anyone else found that this medicine increases edema?

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Good evening @dmoreci. It is great to welcome your post on this subject. I also take Duloxetine......and have for about 5 years. My dosage is now 120 mg every morning. It helps keep my anxiety at a reasonable level so I don't just collapse into a ball of anquish.


From a physiological point the swelling places pressure between the skin in the tissues which in turn puts pressure on your vessels, nerves, muscles as well. If the edema goes unchecked and backs up to your groin area you’re on your way to potentially more serious issues. So reducing the edema does play a very large part if you’re experiencing this in addition to already diagnosed PN. Also, I n addition to weight gain Lyrica causes peripheral edema. There’s always a trade off unfortunately.
I have PN but no edema. I’ve found that if I stretch before bed and keep my feet and legs warm at night it reduces my incidents of cramps and pain. I take oral Baclofen for spasms and buprenorphine patch, THC, CBD for pain and I’m off oxycodone completely.

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I’ve been suffering from CRPS for 10 years following bunion and hammer toe surgery.
Gabapentin didn’t work for me.
Any kind of stress definitely increases the pain.
I’d like to try CBD, and wonder what CBD Brand you might recommend? If naming a brand is allowed here?


@tiboute I’ve tried a few different companies (FiveCBD, MedTerra, Green Unicorn and Lazarus Naturals) and found there is not a standard fee structure for CBD products but there are guidelines for product production and safety. I receive a print out of what the bottle contains most of the time but not all companies do provide this. Lazarus Naturals has a 6,000mg/120ml bottle that is full spectrum but is pure CBD and tastes like dirt, so I don’t recommend it. FiveCBD and Green Unicorn provide a nice product but FiveCBD was more costly, in my opinion. MedTerra has a THC 2mg/CBD 100mg in 60ml which I really like. The entourage effect of THC and CBD is well described in literature I’ve read. So I use 100mg CBD 4x day plus THC 15mg 4x day plus mini dosing by vaping in between. I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t get buzzed any longer which is fine if I’m not in pain.


@tiboute I’ve tried a few different companies (FiveCBD, MedTerra, Green Unicorn and Lazarus Naturals) and found there is not a standard fee structure for CBD products but there are guidelines for product production and safety. I receive a print out of what the bottle contains most of the time but not all companies do provide this. Lazarus Naturals has a 6,000mg/120ml bottle that is full spectrum but is pure CBD and tastes like dirt, so I don’t recommend it. FiveCBD and Green Unicorn provide a nice product but FiveCBD was more costly, in my opinion. MedTerra has a THC 2mg/CBD 100mg in 60ml which I really like. The entourage effect of THC and CBD is well described in literature I’ve read. So I use 100mg CBD 4x day plus THC 15mg 4x day plus mini dosing by vaping in between. I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t get buzzed any longer which is fine if I’m not in pain.

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Thank you for such a detailed answer! Reading about THC side effects would make me hesitate to take it with CBD. It’s great to have reliable CBD brand names to choose from. Am very grateful!

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