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I've had PMR for over a year and tapering is frustrating. Started at 20mg and easily got to 10mg and have tried twice to drop the dosage further... Got to 5 once but had to go back up due to pain. stayed at 7.5 for a few weeks, but Doc did blood tests and CRP jumped up too high so increased to 10 again. Stayed a month and CRP dropped down. Started tapering by 1mg every 2 weeks and was feeling pretty good at 8mg. had a plan to keep dropping by 1mg, but Doc called with blood tests and CRP jumped again, so back to 10mg. Anybody have this problem? What did/are you doing? Anyone successfully get off pred after the tapering seesaw like this? How long did it take?

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Replies to "I've had PMR for over a year and tapering is frustrating. Started at 20mg and easily..."

1mg every two weeks under 10mg is a very fast reduction schedule which would likely invite a flare. I was reducing at about that rate (my idea, not the doctor's) when some pain started at 8mg. I was determined not to have a flare so told my doctor I wouldn't reduce further till pain was resolved.

So I moved up to 9.5mg for a week then dropped to 9mg for 4 weeks. No pain. I resumed the reduction more cautiously at .5mg every 3 weeks (1mg every 6wks - the recommended reduction schedule is 1mg every 4-8wks under 10mg). Have just reduced to 7.5mg and am doing fine so far. I alternate doses between the current dose and new dose each day in the first reduction week, to soften the reduction.

Going a little more slowly can avoid having to go back up in dose - which gives us a higher cumulative dose and takes longer to get off them. I'm no expert, just winging it like you and everyone else. Started on Prednisolone 5 months ago. I hope you find a good solution.

The bottom line is each of us is different and her rheumatologist are different and PMR pain is absolutely no fun!!!! I started prednisone at 10 mg in April now I am down to 1 mg for three weeks and then my rheumatologist said she does not believe in medication unless the pain is intolerable!!! The mornings are the worst I can hardly move every joint hurts as the day goes on and improves a little but not good. I am going to take one day at a time and see how things work out with the pain.