My results after 1 year of Evenity

Posted by hikernurse @hikernurse, Oct 22, 2023

I finished 12 months of Evenity in early October 2023 with thankfully zero significant side effects (a little tiredness, headache for a day or so) I am 67. My story is posted on my home page. I did maintain a good diet, exercised, walked, hopped, stomped, yoga, aqua dance, heel drops, stood on one foot whenever I could, ate prunes daily (5), eat my own L reuteri yogurt that I ferment, took algaecal plus (which only has trace strontium, not to be confused with strontium boost which I DID NOT take care for 2 grandchildren ages 2 and 4 twice a week. My point is I am pretty active. I had 4 previous separate fractures, 2 rib from hiking/biking falls and 2 wrists one from a fall off a few steps and another just weeks after my August 2022 DXA before I started meds. I was hiking in MT (mid September 2022) and turned to check on hubby and in an instant my foot hit a rock and I went down hard onto a rock. I shattered that wrist but had surgery and it healed. Started Evenity November 2022 (after covid) and after much research and medical opinions. Every morning I read the osteoporosis blogs from Mayo and have learned so much. Dr McCormicks Great Bones book is getting dog-eared.
I’m listening to Doug Lucas you tubes. We are all different but we are all trying so hard to help ourselves and really would rather not do meds but sometimes we just have to.

My bones did what Evenity said they would do. Spine went from -3.1 to -2.6 a 13.8% increase, femoral neck went from -3.3 to -3.0 a 7.5% improvement and total femur -3.0 to -2.7 a 5.4% improvement. Appointments and bloodwork in the next few days/week to see what’s next. I think I know the answer and I’m struggling. I believe it will be Prolia and I’m PANICKED about that. Concerned about time interval before starting. I will be having a CTX, not sure if that will help. I still have severe osteoporosis but the most important thing is I haven’t had a fracture!!

Any suggestions thoughts much appreciated. And I would be remiss if I didn’t throw out a thank you to @windyshores, @kristie2 and the moderators of this blog.

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I have no answers but you have my prayers and best wishes


how did the mayo clinic help get off prolia and have you suffered any fractures i had shot and in may the prolia was supposed to be outmof my body but i still have some effects fro it suffered a compression fracture 6 wks after initial shot (12/23) then suffered another the beginning this past august. my dr wants me to take evenity but i am very afraid i also was diagnosed with ra this past february just very upset because before prolia i was doing well now not so much

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Good evening @proliamistake. Let's see if I can help with this response. After my endocrinologist chose the Alendronate option, we canceled the upcoming Prolia infusion. And on that date, I took my first Alendronate tablet. That was is a pill that you take first thing in the morning and then sit quietly for 30 minutes. Don't eat or drink anything else until the tablet has been absorbed.

Does that help? It will be two years on June 13, 2024. Then we can see what the DEXA scan reveals.

Thanks for caring. What is your plan at this point in time?

May you have happiness and the causes of happiness. "Not so much" isn't quite what I would like to hear from you.

May you have peace and contentment.


I am also leaning to alendronate for those same reasons. are you taking the daily dose or 70mg weekly? Thank you for sharing

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I took alendronate weekly after finishing forteo. No problems with it.


Nice to have such good improvement. My doctor says when I am done with Evenity (next summer) I will have an infusion of reclast, not Prolia, so it varies a lot with drs.


Good evening @proliamistake. Let's see if I can help with this response. After my endocrinologist chose the Alendronate option, we canceled the upcoming Prolia infusion. And on that date, I took my first Alendronate tablet. That was is a pill that you take first thing in the morning and then sit quietly for 30 minutes. Don't eat or drink anything else until the tablet has been absorbed.

Does that help? It will be two years on June 13, 2024. Then we can see what the DEXA scan reveals.

Thanks for caring. What is your plan at this point in time?

May you have happiness and the causes of happiness. "Not so much" isn't quite what I would like to hear from you.

May you have peace and contentment.

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thank you for your reply ireally am very afraid to take the evenity shot i do not have a good track record had trouble with the flu vacinne and yhe covid i think i will talk to my dr about your approach i think i would rather take a pill instead of the shot too many unknowns with the evenity shot i am 80 yrs old just diagnosed last nov when i got the prolia shot. i know i can not endure anymore pain and anymore side effects thank you for caring hope you have a great day


I am also leaning to alendronate for those same reasons. are you taking the daily dose or 70mg weekly? Thank you for sharing

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It is a weekly pill, I don't know of a daily one. I have had no side effects. I am very active and careful with my activity so I am hopeful I will continue not to have a fracture. We all need to support each other on this blog and knowledge is power.


It is a weekly pill, I don't know of a daily one. I have had no side effects. I am very active and careful with my activity so I am hopeful I will continue not to have a fracture. We all need to support each other on this blog and knowledge is power.

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You are absolutely right. Alendronate is a weekly tablet.....not a daily pill. My omission. Sorry.


It is a weekly pill, I don't know of a daily one. I have had no side effects. I am very active and careful with my activity so I am hopeful I will continue not to have a fracture. We all need to support each other on this blog and knowledge is power.

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There is a daily dose pill for Alendronate, it’s 10 mg. The weekly pill gave me awful gnawing stomach pain, so I was switched to the daily dose.


thank you for your reply ireally am very afraid to take the evenity shot i do not have a good track record had trouble with the flu vacinne and yhe covid i think i will talk to my dr about your approach i think i would rather take a pill instead of the shot too many unknowns with the evenity shot i am 80 yrs old just diagnosed last nov when i got the prolia shot. i know i can not endure anymore pain and anymore side effects thank you for caring hope you have a great day

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Since you have had a Prolia shot, will the doctor prescribe Evenity for you? Is it effective after Prolia?


There is a daily dose pill for Alendronate, it’s 10 mg. The weekly pill gave me awful gnawing stomach pain, so I was switched to the daily dose.

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thank you. Not sure if this will be the recommended route but right now finding it more acceptable than
prolia or even reclast. I’m going to be at this for a long while I hope as I am just 67. Nice to know all the options

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