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My tremors feel head to toe. Feels like I am sitting on a washing machine during the spin cycle. Especially in my torso and abdominal area. I am currently reading a book on Vagus Nerve Healing written by a physician so I am doing the work and trying out the exercises recommended. My tremors are far less worse when I am at rest because my muscles nerves are not firing or demanding as much when I am not really moving at all. I saw someone recommended Vit B3 as key and so just ordered some. I DO see a FUNCTIONAL MED Dr at the Cleveland Clinic and she has me on Mast Cell Stabilizers but not much is helping because my Tryptase levels are going up which give off histamine and can cause tremors. I have been on a low histamine diet now for 7 months as well. Until Covid I was in EXCELLENT shape. I was very athletic and in perfect health. I had three of the vaccines and was due for the fourth but then got Covid. My PCP told me not to get any more vaccines of any kind right now while I am dealing with all this because he said my immune system is running amuck right now and another vax could confuse it all the more.

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Replies to "My tremors feel head to toe. Feels like I am sitting on a washing machine during..."

i tried to reply yesterday, but somehow my message was lost.
i dodo have tremors head to toe that come and go. mostly at rest. they diminish or go away when i move around, then come back when i stop. i have no external tremors. i also have has lots of bloating, which has been made better with amla (indian gooseberry). i bought the powder and made my own capsules so i could figure out the dosage. i am right now taking Xifaxan. it has had no effect on the tremors. neither has propranolol or Zoloft.
my dr. gave me a prescription of primidone (mysoline). however, i found out that it us a barbiturate and i get reverse reactions to it so do not plan to try it. both propranolol and mysoline are recommended for long term essential tremor. i also tried an Apolloneuro device which made the tremors worse, which made me think my vagus nerve is involved (the apollo device sends sound waves to stimulate the vagus nerve).
i also take 4.5 mg LDN which has been wonderful for improving my energy levels. it has made a big difference.
if the new reaseach about LC and gut serotonin play out maybe there will be a solution. i plan to start taking either amino acids supplements or tryptophan or trying low dose lorazepam.
regards, ellie