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I am a completely unique case. I was planning not to take them because the studies I read said that androgen deprivation did not make any difference in overall biochemical reoccurrence or survival in men over the age of 70 and I was almost 74 when I had the radiation. That said, I have been on testosterone replacement since 2008 and when I stop applying my Androgel I go castrate in less than 60 hours. My radiation oncologist wanted to jab me so bad he could taste it and tried to jab me on my first visit. He said my observations were not good enough and tested me twice and both times my testosterone levels were under 12 ng/dl which is lower than a Lupron shot says it will get you to. I am seeing a urologist at Mayo who will give me my testosterone and monitor my PSA levels closely. I recently started back on my Androgel exactly 8 months to the day since I stopped, and my latest T level was still less than 12 ng/dl even though all my pituitary hormones were normal. It is sending the signals, but the boys are not answering even after 8 months. Why did I stop after the studies say it made no difference? Just hedging my bets because I don't trust almost anything that the medical profession or our government tells me. Remember the covid lie? If you get the jab, you won't get covid, spread covid, get hospitalized from covid or die from covid and you won't kill grandma? I do. My oncologist also wanted to give me 28 radiation treatments until I told him I was looking at doing CyberKnife with its 5 treatments and all of a sudden, he said "Oh we can do 5 too". Guess who is a co-author of a six-month Lupron jab and 28 proton radiation treatments and your first guess does not count. Be your own advocate and there is a ton of studies on the internet. My PSA had been between 2.9 and 2.3 for over five years.

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Replies to "I am a completely unique case. I was planning not to take them because the studies..."

Hello there,
I will offer my perspective and experience in this area and the questions you have regarding the hormone therapy etc. I’ve been on “TRT” for about 10+ years due to my HYPOGONADISM. I was doing great on my “TRT” and it was hugely
beneficial to my overall quality of life and wellbeing. I have been seriously debilitated from CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME and FIBROMYALGIA for the past 32 years! Additionally, I was also diagnosed and treated for CHIARI MALFORMATION. Taken in its entirety, it’s been a “neurological tsunami” and changed my life dramatically from fully functional, athletic and able to participate and achieve almost any physical, mental, emotional goal presented while supporting myself spiritually as well.
When I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer in August of 2022, I had to immediately stop my “TRT!” Of course, I certainly understood why and knew it was the initially, the appropriate medical option to incorporate. Personally, the “TRT” makes a huge difference in my quality of life. Discontinuing it brings my Total “T” levels down to between 20-100 which is extremely low. So, incorporating any kind of cancer treatment including medical castration or anything associated with that was totally out of the question for me. In one sense, it made my decision to utilize the “RARP,” or “RALP,” ROBOT ASSISTED RADICAL PROSTATECTOMY, ROBOT ASSISTED LAPAROSCOPY PROSTATECTOMY……..the best treatment choice for myself, (all things considered)!
Thankfully, my surgery was a great success. I encountered a few related complications which sometimes occurs and those were dealt with in a timely and successful manner. One of my greatest challenges was starting my rehabilitation process without continuing my “TRT.” Testosterone can feed the growth of cancer so you obviously do not want to be complicating your recovery with that obvious threat. I was severely dragging and extremely weak with barely enough energy to do a few minor chores each day and that was it. Finally, I was able to reinstitute my “TRT” 5 months following my surgery and within the first week I started to feel measurably better with my overall health, well-being, mood and emotional outlook! Personally, I’ve done a lot of research regarding the Androgen Reduction Therapy and there is very little evidence that supports its purported beneficial results Provasi’s in reducing the Biological Return of Cancer. In fact, the exact opposite has been found to be more accurate. Urology Oncologists are prescribing “TRT” to assist them with their overall recovery from Prostate Cancer Surgery and the entire rehabilitation process.
FACT: Every man needs to have a sufficient amount of Testosterone in his body to help maintain overall good health, well-being, muscle and bone mass and strength in addition to a healthier libido! I just don’t see the benefit of jeopardizing all of those important health considerations (on the chance), that LUPRON SHOTS or something similar will help to retard the growth of Prostate Cancer cells. Admittedly, there isn’t any hard fact proof that it actually even achieves it. Of course, it sounds logical and for some patients it might even provide some beneficial results. However, the significant amount of new, current and updated medical research and studies just do not support it as a viable treatment option. Thankfully, in my case, it was never going to be so amongst other important treatment considerations used to arrive at my surgical decision etc. Androgen Reduction Therapy was never going to be a viable choice for me.
I am happy to report that since my very first PSA result taken the day of my surgery, 10/25/22, was < 0.014 (undetectable), and has remained at that level through today is very encouraging. Of course, I don’t assume or take anything for granted and get my PSA level checked every month or sometimes miss one month in between but remain very serious about the frequency of the tests and maintaining a very “active surveillance!”
As you know, there is NO best treatment for any Prostate Cancer Patient. There is only the choice and decision of what you believe is the best treatment option for yourself, recovery, rehabilitation and possible options for additional treatment in the future if required. for you and your loved ones.
As I coined the following phrase early on in my treatment phase, (please feel free to use it).

CANCER: is DUBIOUS at best, SINISTER at its worst and VILLAINOUS the rest of the time.

You are either in REMISSION or you are not!
I pray every day that I remain in remission at at age 69 and beyond until the day I pass away from some other, unrelated cause.
Sending all of my fellow patients the best of luck and well wishes for “Continued Remission” and the best of everything.