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@artemis1886, and all...Glad you enjoyed the beach walking, but it's really difficult for those of us with any movement or muscle issues. With peripheral neuropathy, numbness, cramping, and pain are fairly normal and often. I can't walk on the sandy beach much anymore, nor even barefooted since it negatively affects my feet, legs, and back causing pain and cramping. I need some cushiony support all the time.

Even in the house, I don't go barefoot which is sad as I have always been a barefoot kind of gal...lived most of my 76 years in the Southern States with warmer climates, and always barefoot in the house.

Now, I have found the perfect indoor slipper for me with my feet/limb issues. Smoothies. They are ballerina-type shoes, flat, with leather bottoms that don't slip, stretchy so they stay on, but my toes and feet move and I can 'feel' the floor as much as possible, moving my toes to help with my balance and walking. Slip-on slippers slip on and then slip off, and I trip or fall. Can't lift my feet and curl my toes to walk well or walk upstairs.

These Smoothies also come in wonderfully fun sequins in wild colors...I have red, silver, gold, black and purple! Love them. My feet and toes move and get some exercise without too much-required work to walk. The soft leather bottoms are wonderful for the inside.

On the sandy beach, I can walk barefoot in the water for short distances, but it's extremely taxing and would surely cause an increase in pain and lower back pain. It's a lot of work walking in the sand. And the water from the ocean makes the sand run out from under your feet making you have to work to stand up! Great exercise if you want and can tolerate it, but not for these limitations...better to wear some kind of shoe on the sand if you plan to walk much.

Yes, Florida is humid. We're Semi-tropical, that's why it's so beautiful and lush and green and flowering year-round. At my age, I enjoy the A.C. so during our summers stay pretty much inside. All our cars have A.C. as do our houses. Some winters, I use the A.C. most of the time, not the heat. Just in Dec/Jan/Feb do I usually run the heat... But, most folks do acclimate themselves to this lifestyle, with no heavy sweaters or heavy wool/fluff jackets generally. Boots we wear for style or rain. I love the simplicity of life here, must have the sun every day or I begin to wilt! It gives me an uplifted feeling inside. I awake each morning with my drapes open, looking outside at the morning light and sun into the lovely, huge, 150+-year-old live oak trees. It's truly glorious. In past decades, we've had a touch of snow or ice, but nothing recently, although last winter was colder than usual.

Anyway, my slip-on skimmer Sketchers are what get me to and fro in comfort. With a touch of style! Blessings in Dallas. I shouldn't think Dallas would be less expensive than Florida, at least in the northern part of the state. South Florida beaches are indeed more expensive. But we have a pretty good economy rocking along. Elizabeth

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Replies to "@artemis1886, and all...Glad you enjoyed the beach walking, but it's really difficult for those of us..."

That was over a year ago mine has progressed to the point the electrophsiologist gives me two years at the max to live. This takes and takes until you have nothing else. It gets really depressing. They originally gave me seven years. The more stress you are under the quicker it progresses. Due to the stage mine is in I am hoping to qualify for IVIG therapy to slow it down. I am 61 and really not ready to die. I just wish the doctors were up front about the progression of this disease.. I am know wheelchair bound my legs do what they want. They do not move the way I want them to move. Sometimes they look broken how contorted they are. The beach was over two years ago. The neuropathy had not progressed to this point. I cut my hands because I don’t feel them and have to go get stitches. Stitches over three times in one month. Dropped something on my foot broke it and now it’s having a hard time healing. The doctors are saying that I might lose my foot. While the walk on the beach was nice it was not worth the pain of the back surgery and the pain that ran down my leg from the sciatic nerve caused. Fentanyl did not stop the pain in the er. On top over everything else discovered that with peripheral neuropathy comes neuropathic arthritis from the neuropathy. Very few people seem to know anything about neuropathy. Heck I can’t evens get on disability having to go to court.