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Yes, the bottom line for me is that the benefits of getting vaccinated far outweigh the potential harms. And yes, I do believe in vaccine injury from any kind of vaccine (not just mRNA.) I also agree that one should not get vaccinated while having an active Covid infection or maybe for 1 to 3 months after a Covid infection. Ask your doctor. Then ask another one. Doctors are learning in real time about this novel virus, like we all are.

Thanks for pointing out that those of us who do get vaccinated end up protecting the entire population, including people who choose not to get vaccinated. That said, booster uptake here in the US is dismal. It is prior infections that are fueling the rapid mutations of the virus. It’s bad. I do not see any slowing down of mutations, or tempering of them.

I can’t agree that the current variants are “milder”. I had BA1, the first omicron to be deemed “mild”, and it was anything but. I lost 18 months of my life to it. The recent lower death rates have been explained to me as people not being able die twice. We have successfully wiped out our most vulnerable population with anti-vax and anti-mask nonsense.

I’m part of the post Covid syndrome clinic at Mount Sinai in NYC. The smartest thing they have told me is that if anybody tells you they understand Covid, they have absolutely no idea what they’re talking about. We are at least 10 years from understanding what is happening to us.

Chilling. Stay safe.

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Replies to "Yes, the bottom line for me is that the benefits of getting vaccinated far outweigh the..."

Thanks sushicat. Sorry for what you had to go through with Covid.

It is a strange, and unfortunately/illogically, a political virus. And yeah the number of people getting the booster is pathetically low. I don't get it - people have short memories I guess.

I had a very mild case of Covid (in 2022 I think, after being vaxxed a few times) and I probably would have missed it but had an extra test kit. I had very mild cold symptoms/sore throat for five days, and that's it. And I was 68 y/o at the time.

I just hope that all the ignorance about the virus doesn't cause a new surge in serious infections. I don't think it will happen because enough people have either had it, and lived, or been vaxxed.

And you are absolutely right when you say we know very little about this virus. LC is a mystery. I was 68 and got mild symptoms. My trainer is 27 and the picture of health, was vaxxed, and caught it and was out for a week with a temp over 100 degrees. It's nothing to mess with.

But conspiracy theories abound and won't be quelled. So for those of us who understand this virus' potential for harm, and understand the overwhelming safety profile of vaccinations, I hope we can live healthy lives.