Should I do Radiotherapy or not? I am 71 years old

Posted by tessadaly @tessadaly, Oct 6, 2023

I had the left breast removed and 3 lumpectomy's on the right breast. Now the medics want me to have radiotherapy. It seems to me that it will be a lot of radiation and I am very worried about the possible damage that it could do?

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I’d suggest you ask them for a clear understanding of your risk of local recurrence, distant recurrence, and possible new cancer occurrences. I’ve learned so much since my diagnosis June 2022 and realize that risks can be so different for each of us.
My story, 69 yo, DCIS, 1.6 cm, BCS, radiation, tamoxifen. I did 5 days of radiation using breath control (lifts the chest up with deep breath intake to keep radiation beams away from the heart/lung) and VMAT radiation (probably best to Google that, would take lots of words to explain). I believe I had 600 gy in 5 sessions, total 3000 gy. The lower the number of days the higher the amount of gy.
I do have some fat necrosis (dead cells, firm area) in about a 1.5” X .5” area. I’m choosing to ignore the lumpiness - it’s possible it will be absorbed over time. And about 2” of the suture line under my breast is corded. The goal is that the radiation beam will not touch the sutures, but I think it must have. Again, not too worrisome. I would do radiation again if I had to make that decision.
I can tell you about how tamoxifen therapy has gone, if that would be helpful.

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I have a place of fat necrosis, also. When I found it, I was scared so bad! I was told the same as you-that my body may absorb it over time. I was already scheduled for a MRI when it was found and it came back clear. That was a big relief. I’m glad you are doing well and hope you continue in your healing. 🌹


Hi @tessadaly, have you made a decision about radiation treatment? What type of radiation would you be getting and how many treatments?


I’d suggest you ask them for a clear understanding of your risk of local recurrence, distant recurrence, and possible new cancer occurrences. I’ve learned so much since my diagnosis June 2022 and realize that risks can be so different for each of us.
My story, 69 yo, DCIS, 1.6 cm, BCS, radiation, tamoxifen. I did 5 days of radiation using breath control (lifts the chest up with deep breath intake to keep radiation beams away from the heart/lung) and VMAT radiation (probably best to Google that, would take lots of words to explain). I believe I had 600 gy in 5 sessions, total 3000 gy. The lower the number of days the higher the amount of gy.
I do have some fat necrosis (dead cells, firm area) in about a 1.5” X .5” area. I’m choosing to ignore the lumpiness - it’s possible it will be absorbed over time. And about 2” of the suture line under my breast is corded. The goal is that the radiation beam will not touch the sutures, but I think it must have. Again, not too worrisome. I would do radiation again if I had to make that decision.
I can tell you about how tamoxifen therapy has gone, if that would be helpful.

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How did your Tamoxifen therapy go?
I’m having a hard time Didn’t have radiation I guess they think everyone can tolerate Tamoxifen
Thank you for any suggestions


How did your Tamoxifen therapy go?
I’m having a hard time Didn’t have radiation I guess they think everyone can tolerate Tamoxifen
Thank you for any suggestions

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The oncologist initially discussed both tamoxifen and AIs with me. He was okay with my choice of tamoxifen because I have osteoporosis, -2.9 in two areas, prior problems with fasciitis (deQuervain’s in my hand and plantar fasciitis in my foot) and I am on the lower risk for ovarian cancer and thrombosis. It’s been 18 years since menopause so I’m someone that is assumed to have low estrogen, my body having adjusted to low estrogen by now. I believe that it is a bit unknown whether tamoxifen will be more of an agonist (promote estrogenic like response in other parts of my body besides my breasts) or have a more antagonist behavior (not estrogenic) in someone like me.

I’ve had a mixed bag response to tamoxifen. Prior to breast cancer, I had terrible vaginal atrophy. Tamoxifen reversed that (a blessing) - meaning it was behaving as an agonist, providing an estrogen-like response. I’ve had minor, very minor, issues with warm flashes and mood changes that resolve within 4 weeks - going on or coming off tamoxifen.
But I had headaches and brain fog, starting about 3 months into therapy. We tried a medication holiday, I’ve seen my general practitioner, to rule out other causes for the headache, had a brain MRI, and saw a neurologist. The consensus was that the headaches are probably caused by the tamoxifen.

I caution you with my next comments, because I’m not recommending you try this as there is not a body of research to support good outcomes. I lowered my tamoxifen from 20 mg, to 10, to 5 and didn’t see a change. Although I believe I didn’t wait long enough to see a difference. Tamoxifen stays in the system a long time.
Until yesterday, I had been taking 2.5 mg (not a recommended dose) and headaches and brain fog are gone. But vaginal atrophy has returned (not as severe, but definitely at an unacceptable level). So I went back up to 5 mg, not just because of the atrophy but 5mg is hopefully enough to be protective. I’m going to give it a 2-3 month trial to see if the headaches return. I think the oncologist will allow me to stay on 5 mg - but not sure. I have an appointment for my follow up this coming Wednesday so I’ll see what they say. I’m one year post surgery/radiation.
I’m pretty resistant to changing to a AI. I would maybe choose to take no hormone treatment if the only thing offered is an AI.
I want to review my personal risk of BC recurrence with the oncologist to help make a good decision! Wish me luck!


I am 75 not zambian

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Isn't auto-correct just great? lol


The oncologist initially discussed both tamoxifen and AIs with me. He was okay with my choice of tamoxifen because I have osteoporosis, -2.9 in two areas, prior problems with fasciitis (deQuervain’s in my hand and plantar fasciitis in my foot) and I am on the lower risk for ovarian cancer and thrombosis. It’s been 18 years since menopause so I’m someone that is assumed to have low estrogen, my body having adjusted to low estrogen by now. I believe that it is a bit unknown whether tamoxifen will be more of an agonist (promote estrogenic like response in other parts of my body besides my breasts) or have a more antagonist behavior (not estrogenic) in someone like me.

I’ve had a mixed bag response to tamoxifen. Prior to breast cancer, I had terrible vaginal atrophy. Tamoxifen reversed that (a blessing) - meaning it was behaving as an agonist, providing an estrogen-like response. I’ve had minor, very minor, issues with warm flashes and mood changes that resolve within 4 weeks - going on or coming off tamoxifen.
But I had headaches and brain fog, starting about 3 months into therapy. We tried a medication holiday, I’ve seen my general practitioner, to rule out other causes for the headache, had a brain MRI, and saw a neurologist. The consensus was that the headaches are probably caused by the tamoxifen.

I caution you with my next comments, because I’m not recommending you try this as there is not a body of research to support good outcomes. I lowered my tamoxifen from 20 mg, to 10, to 5 and didn’t see a change. Although I believe I didn’t wait long enough to see a difference. Tamoxifen stays in the system a long time.
Until yesterday, I had been taking 2.5 mg (not a recommended dose) and headaches and brain fog are gone. But vaginal atrophy has returned (not as severe, but definitely at an unacceptable level). So I went back up to 5 mg, not just because of the atrophy but 5mg is hopefully enough to be protective. I’m going to give it a 2-3 month trial to see if the headaches return. I think the oncologist will allow me to stay on 5 mg - but not sure. I have an appointment for my follow up this coming Wednesday so I’ll see what they say. I’m one year post surgery/radiation.
I’m pretty resistant to changing to a AI. I would maybe choose to take no hormone treatment if the only thing offered is an AI.
I want to review my personal risk of BC recurrence with the oncologist to help make a good decision! Wish me luck!

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I wish you the best and good luck I have a prescription for 5 mg trying to decide to start it tomorrow 10/23/23 Dreading it because of s/e’s
I have been off Tamoxifen for over 3 months still hasn’t totally left my body less hot flashes, insomnia still. I have such bad osteoarthritis arthritis in hands and fingers with painful swollen joints worried drug will make it worse and it’s bad now for the past year increased pain
I haven’t had radiation it wasn’t offered just partial mastectomy and started on Tamoxifen 20mg a day Missed the boat on. Now oncologist gave me referral to see if radiation would be a benefit at this late day to prevent a reoccurrence
Some Women have had less s/e’s when they try what they call Baby Tam 5mg a day
Please keep updating us
Wishing you the best


I am having proton radiation at 72. Left sided mastectomy and positive nodes. Much less radiation to heart and lungs with protons.

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