Gabapentin side effects?

Posted by Sundance(RB) @sundance6, Apr 13, 2019

I am a regular on the Mayo Board! I don't know what I would do without it! Our doctors don't want to discuss openly the things about illnesses and side effets of drugs and other things. Anyway, my question to all of you is Gabapentin and it's side effects. I have been on it now for 6 months. My doctor raised me from 100mg. to now I am on 400mg. three times a day.
The problem is my tiredness! I happen to be in a friends office yesterday and she was taking some medicine. She said she was taking Gabapentin. I asked why and she said she had, had shingles back when and it still helped with the pain. I know the drug is percribed for many things that is why I take it for my issues.
I told her I had been taking it for about 6 months. She asked if I had been tired all the time, just out of the Blue. OF COURSE I SAID YES! She said it took her a year before she got out of the tiredness.
Let me know if any of you have experienced the same thing. Also let me know at what dosage you may be on? I know this is all confidential!
Again Thanks to The Mayo Clinic and Everyone who is kind enough to be open with their lives!

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I've been on Gaba/Neutontin for a long time also, but lower doses than you.
Even with my 300 mg, Twice a day usually, I had a lot of dizziness which was a trade-off for less pain. (MS, fibro, arthritis)
When a pain management doctor prescribed a new med on top of the GAB, it added to the dizziness and I suffered a fall for the first time ever-- Still recuperating from that injury.
Then I quit all pain meds because I didn't wanna fall again! I am 69 with osteoporosis-- Really don't wanna be breaking any bones right now!
So now I'm in pain. Lots of pain. Taking Ibuprofen + Acetaminophen and feeling really LOUSY.
Thanks for Sharing your own experience.

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Maybe taking the gabapentin at night would help. It’s 1/2 life would be gone by morning.


I have been on gabapentin for about five years, I had severe neck nerve pain like a stinger one sometimes get playing football, no cartilage, my neurologist after an MRI recommended either surgery or gabapentin, I take 900 mg a day with half pill of 5mg hydrocodone, and was like a miracle and took all my pain away. The side effects of the gabapentin was tiredness, drowsiness, but after awhile it lessened and got used to it. I also have a friend that tried it but was too drastic for him and had to switch to something else. I feel fortunate it works for me and has given a much greater quality of life.


I've been on Gaba/Neutontin for a long time also, but lower doses than you.
Even with my 300 mg, Twice a day usually, I had a lot of dizziness which was a trade-off for less pain. (MS, fibro, arthritis)
When a pain management doctor prescribed a new med on top of the GAB, it added to the dizziness and I suffered a fall for the first time ever-- Still recuperating from that injury.
Then I quit all pain meds because I didn't wanna fall again! I am 69 with osteoporosis-- Really don't wanna be breaking any bones right now!
So now I'm in pain. Lots of pain. Taking Ibuprofen + Acetaminophen and feeling really LOUSY.
Thanks for Sharing your own experience.

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Acetaminophen may cause lousiness.


Gabepentin caused shakiness in me. I'm 71.


Finally heard back from Dr's office on my request to reduce Gabapentin to help eliminate balance problem and swelling in feet, ankle and legs. Cut the 600 mg in half take 300 mg in a.m. and 300 mg in p.m. and let them know Tuesday if it helps.


Finally heard back from Dr's office on my request to reduce Gabapentin to help eliminate balance problem and swelling in feet, ankle and legs. Cut the 600 mg in half take 300 mg in a.m. and 300 mg in p.m. and let them know Tuesday if it helps.

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I sincerely hope you feel better after reducing dose. Good luck.


Maybe taking the gabapentin at night would help. It’s 1/2 life would be gone by morning.

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I do that thanks. But still need daytime dose to keep pain in check. It's quite The Balancing Act 🙂


I'm 86 and think will pursue getting off gabapentin get rid of balance problem, fell twice, leading to knee replacement and shoulder, no fun. HJave found some relief with 8hr Tylenol. Pain clinic prescribed Tramadol when back became big problem and I try to keep both to twice a day. You can really tell when rain is coming, pain increases. I need a vein ablation too and Medicare has turned it down, they think I want Betty Grable legs, mentioned that at Dr visit and he laughed (was old enough to remember her) and nurse just had puzzled look, so we explained who she was. Medicare thinks you want ablation for cosmetic reasons but veins leak and cause lots of swelling and pain so we've all got our cross to bear. Golden years, rusty, tarnished and corroded!

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Good evening @suzzy. Great name. My family nickname was Susie. My mother was Pinkie and my brother was Buddy. Used to wonder why they bothered naming me Evelyn Christie.......only had it on my driver's license.

Well.....welcome to Connect where you can choose any name you want. I have just read your posts about Gabapentin. I completely understand the brain issues and balance problems. And...... I am 81 years old with a history of multiple knee replacements and shoulder surgeries.

My response to your desire to eliminate the Gapapentin has to begin with a question. Have you discussed this process with your doctor or other medical practitioner? I would not attempt any changes without sharing knowledge and decision-making with your doctor.

I have been on Gabapentin for 10 years. My neurologist recommended it as soon as my skin biopsy came back positive for SFN (small fiber neuropathy). I had dizziness and other side effect issues from day 1. Immediately, he told me to take it all at night and that is what I have done.

About three years ago, my mental ability began to decline, causing memory issues and thinking obstructions. During that same time, the SFN pain and numbness increased. In a shared decision with my PCP, I began to replace the Gabapentin medication with slightly larger and more frequent doses of Medical cannabis.

Over that time, I have gone from 2400 down to 200 mg at bedtime rather slowly. At the same time, I have increased both the frequency and dosage of Medical cannabis tinctures.

It is great to see my cognitive challenges reduce substantially and the problems with planning be somewhat eradicated. I realize that at 81, memory issues are a part of the aging process.

It is also encouraging to know that there are other ways to control the pain of neuropathy. In fact....I feel very sure that the pain reduction from cannabis is much better for me. Then...there will just be the insurance issues. Regardless of your decision, I am here for you.

May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.


Jake Thanks for the Help. Trying to collect info and advice that our doctors don't give us! I take the Gabapentin to help ease my discomfort from Late stages of what they feel is Lyme Disease. I only take 400 mg. three time a day so I am a Short hitter compared to you and some others I know. It seems when the dr. increases my dosage is when i get the tiredness, but the tiredness also happens if I overwork myself physically. Again with many of these like problems, Lyme, West Nile, Fybramyagia, Chronic Fatigue, Lupus, Rest is the Key to staying ok.
My main problem are my Headaches! I have had them since this all started 10 months ago. They won't go away! Doctors don't seem to wantto take them seriously!
My current Nueroligist has me on Topiramate. But in doing research this week I find the dosage she has me on is not what is recomended! I have been on it for a couple months and it has not done any good.
The only thing that helps me during the day is a Oxycodone at 9AM and one at 3 PM. She lectured me this last week becuse I may get hooked yet she suggested Bottox which I found can hav horrible side effects. That is why I researched the Topiramate and found the rcomended dosage is not what she has me on. So we will have a conversation Monday AM.
Thanks again for your info and everyone else who helps on the Mayo Page!

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What has helped me is Nurtec Otd. From my neurologist. Works fast. Ask your Neuro for a sample.


I'm 86 and think will pursue getting off gabapentin get rid of balance problem, fell twice, leading to knee replacement and shoulder, no fun. HJave found some relief with 8hr Tylenol. Pain clinic prescribed Tramadol when back became big problem and I try to keep both to twice a day. You can really tell when rain is coming, pain increases. I need a vein ablation too and Medicare has turned it down, they think I want Betty Grable legs, mentioned that at Dr visit and he laughed (was old enough to remember her) and nurse just had puzzled look, so we explained who she was. Medicare thinks you want ablation for cosmetic reasons but veins leak and cause lots of swelling and pain so we've all got our cross to bear. Golden years, rusty, tarnished and corroded!

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I'm still recovering from falling last month. I was lucky not to break a bone or worse.
I am sorry for your troubles. Old age blows. But it's all we've got now! All the best to you.

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