Hi, Dorilyn (@dorilyn)
I'm no expert on Alpha-Lipoic Acid. Honestly, I'd never even heard of it until my neurologist suggested I give it a try. That was about a year ago. I took two 600 mg capsules a day for a couple of months, but I did not feel any results. From others here at the Forum, I learned that ALA, if it were to be of help, might help reduce pain; I, fortunately, don't have any pain (my symptoms are bad balance and poor gait). So, with my doctor's OK, I stopped taking the ALA. Now, my neurologist has me on an EB-N5 regimen (if you've not heard of that, you can look it up online), containing ALA and a half dozen other ingredients, chiefly vitamins. I have been taking EB-N5 for 110 days (I checked); so far, I cannot report any extraordinarily positive results; however, my symptoms (balance and gait) have not worsened. Does this mean the EB-N5 is helping? Or is the ALA helping? I can't say. I wish I could.
I look forward to what others will have to say about their experience with ALA.
Best wishes to you!
Ray (@ray666)
After being misdiagnosed with gout for 20 years, the pain and burning sensation was awful. At last I was properly diagnosed with Neuropathy and my neurologist recommended Jarrow ALA. It helped a little but then I tried Pure Encapsulations ALA and in 3 weeks I had a great improvement. I've only had good side effects - hair is thicker and completion greatly improved.