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I wonder if there are any updates in this conversation. I was just diagnosed with resorption in THREE neighboring teeth and am quite distraught. Since the only explanation given was an unexplained autoimmune issue, I am terrified that this is only the beginning of major tooth loss for me. I can’t get my head around this, especially since there is no pain at this point and I have excellent health. I do have osteoporosis, but both the dentist and the endodontist nixed that connection. So….wait for pain before extraction? Root canal the one tooth that isn’t as far progressed as the others? Implants? Partial dentures?

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Replies to "I wonder if there are any updates in this conversation. I was just diagnosed with resorption..."

Good morning @glojo Resorption in teeth can happen for a number of reasons. First, can you tell me what kind of resorption is happening? Was this seen on xray and the roots are becoming shorter?
Do you remember having any impact to this area or extensive dental treatment to those teeth that are involved?
How about location…front teeth, molars in the back? Top arch or lower?


You mentioned having osteoporosis. Are you taking any medication to rebuild bone?