Wise Men Healing Balm for neuropathy

Posted by valec @valec, Oct 18, 2023

I can across this Wise Men Healing Balm. I’ve been using a frankincense & Myrrh oil for sometime. While it helped some I thought I’d try this one in balm form.
I used it this morning and just now. And I’m stunned that it helps relieve my pain. I understand everyone is different.
I have peripheral neuropathy.
I found it on Amazon.

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Thank you I will try it. I can’t stand the anqish of my feet every night especially


Thank you I will try it. I can’t stand the anqish of my feet every night especially

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Hope it helps. For me it’s just a little relief. But I’m grateful for any relief


Hope it helps. For me it’s just a little relief. But I’m grateful for any relief

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I just ordered some. So we will see if it helps. Thanks for trying to help.


I would love to find something that helps with the numbness and tingling. I don't really have a lot of actual "pain." I'm curious about what OTHER creams or lotions you tried, @valec , that DID NOT help. I've tried CBD creams, BioFreeze, VicksVaporub, and Tea Tree Oil.... none of those provide any lasting relief. The BioFreeze & Vicks cool my feet for a short period.... One could spend a FORTUNE just "trying" all sorts of things.... And I don't buy anything that is being pushed in youtube or other videos.... as so many of those things IMO are just gimmicks.
Glad this Wise Men cream is helping with your numbness and tingling. How long would you say it seems to last after applying it? THANKS!


I would love to find something that helps with the numbness and tingling. I don't really have a lot of actual "pain." I'm curious about what OTHER creams or lotions you tried, @valec , that DID NOT help. I've tried CBD creams, BioFreeze, VicksVaporub, and Tea Tree Oil.... none of those provide any lasting relief. The BioFreeze & Vicks cool my feet for a short period.... One could spend a FORTUNE just "trying" all sorts of things.... And I don't buy anything that is being pushed in youtube or other videos.... as so many of those things IMO are just gimmicks.
Glad this Wise Men cream is helping with your numbness and tingling. How long would you say it seems to last after applying it? THANKS!

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So. I’ve used Vicks. It’s done nothing for me. I’ve used CBD Cremes. Nothing.
I’ve used BioFreeze. Nothing. I’m prescribed medical marijuana. And since I’ve chosen not to smoke it, I’ve tried it in liquid forms which is added to water. Nothing.
I’ve tried the marijuana Creme as well. Nothing.
The marijuana gummies help with pain but then all day I’m lethargic.
So the Frankincense oil I’ve tried gives slight relief. And now this balm gives slight relief. The oil you be applied whenever you want. The balm says in the morning and night. But I’ve applied it 4 times today. And a dime size goes a long way. It’s not expensive. So I think it’s worth a try. For me, if I can get even 1% relief, I’ll take it.


I have numbness and poor balance, no pain. But, what the heck, I'll try the Wise Men Healing Balm. Followed the directions. No help. So, since I have knee pain which neuro docs say have nothing to do with my PN from shins to toes, I tried Wise Men on both knees, morning and night to reduce pain. No help. I have 3/4 of a jar left, guess I will add it to the other things I have that have not helped. I look at it this way, if there was something out there for those of us with numbness, I think Mayo Clinic would pull out the bull horns and several of our mentors would have a comment or two. For those with pain, give it a try, it's not expensive. What doesn't work for one could work for someone else. Good luck. Ed


Instead of getting it from Amazon go directly to the Mfg. https://wisemenhealing.com/

It is the same price and you will get it faster in all likelihood, at times it is out of stock on Amazon. Wisemen is almost set up for Auto-ship on your desired schedule.

I too find this effective in controlling the feelings that neuropathy leaves you with.


I would love to find something that helps with the numbness and tingling. I don't really have a lot of actual "pain." I'm curious about what OTHER creams or lotions you tried, @valec , that DID NOT help. I've tried CBD creams, BioFreeze, VicksVaporub, and Tea Tree Oil.... none of those provide any lasting relief. The BioFreeze & Vicks cool my feet for a short period.... One could spend a FORTUNE just "trying" all sorts of things.... And I don't buy anything that is being pushed in youtube or other videos.... as so many of those things IMO are just gimmicks.
Glad this Wise Men cream is helping with your numbness and tingling. How long would you say it seems to last after applying it? THANKS!

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@domiha I use magnesium cream at night sometimes along with Magnesium aspirate capsules which I take every night. I wonder if the cream would help during the day-I've never tried it! Idon't have actual pain...it's more of discomfort of not being able to feel my forefeet, toes constantly cramping, uncomfortable wearing shoes. (I live in moccasins!)


So. I’ve used Vicks. It’s done nothing for me. I’ve used CBD Cremes. Nothing.
I’ve used BioFreeze. Nothing. I’m prescribed medical marijuana. And since I’ve chosen not to smoke it, I’ve tried it in liquid forms which is added to water. Nothing.
I’ve tried the marijuana Creme as well. Nothing.
The marijuana gummies help with pain but then all day I’m lethargic.
So the Frankincense oil I’ve tried gives slight relief. And now this balm gives slight relief. The oil you be applied whenever you want. The balm says in the morning and night. But I’ve applied it 4 times today. And a dime size goes a long way. It’s not expensive. So I think it’s worth a try. For me, if I can get even 1% relief, I’ll take it.

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I have diabetic neuropathy and fibromyalgia. I use Susan’s CBD super Salve. It comes in stick form and you apply then push up for more salve as needed. It’s pricey but it helps me with my muscles and nerves and tingling. The numbness doesn’t go away but you aren’t aware of it. It’s a bit pricey but long lasting and the company often has discounts. It’s online at susanscbd.com Hope it works for you as it does for me. At night I put it all over my feet toes and ankles and wear footies to bed.


Hope it helps. For me it’s just a little relief. But I’m grateful for any relief

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Can you tell me how strong the scent is. I had to return frankincense as it overwhelmed me with its aroma. Thank you.

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