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Psychological effects of living with neuropathy

Neuropathy | Last Active: Dec 1, 2023 | Replies (106)

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@domiha I have followed this discussion with great interest, not because I have Neuropathy, but because I have other conditions that will never go away, have caused changes in my routine (daily time required for maintenance of airways, ability to keep moving, etc), are progressive, and limit what I am able to do. Like others here, I am constantly having to "reinvent" myself. My energizer bunny days are over, my gardens rely on help - both hired and volunteer - to flourish, tremors have completely changed my approach to fiber art and what I do& how, and I look always for ways to entertain, have adventures and otherwise live my life in the body I have today.
There are days when I look at the med box, nebulizer, exercises and ask "What if I just quit it all?" Then I indulge in a few minutes (or more on a bad day) of self pity and remember that I am still "on the right side of the dirt" and think about the things I can do.
Every once in a while I get thrown a curve ball - recent med changes are beating me up right now - and it gets hard to be positive for a while. Then I go back to an essay I wrote some time ago about my Mom, who lived her life in "chapters" right up to the time of her death. Some of them were darned difficult, and she would get really blue for a while, but she always pressed on. As soon as I can find it, I think I'll print it here.

This thread is a blessing to all who live in ever-changing bodies.

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Replies to "@domiha I have followed this discussion with great interest, not because I have Neuropathy, but because..."

Med changes.....argggggg....I can sure identify with that. Between the Neurologist, Pain Mgt Doc and GP it seems to be one big Lazy Susan of offerings. I've finally reached some stability and have found drugs that provide relief but don't turn me into a zombie. We really do have to be our own advocates.