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Psychological effects of living with neuropathy

Neuropathy | Last Active: Dec 1, 2023 | Replies (106)

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Yep Ray, its all about moving forward. I've had to give up my identity as an athlete. Just as hard as you giving up the stage. Its taken me some time, but I have found creative outlets that take my mind off of my painful body, thank goodness. The word 'acceptance' is too passive. I believe a person has to actively seek new passions, a new way of living. Only then can we find satisfaction. For me, the key is looking forward, not backward. Thanks to everyone for their posts. Tis fascinating to hear how everyone else approaches these debilitating changes. min

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Replies to "Yep Ray, its all about moving forward. I've had to give up my identity as an..."

"I believe a person has to actively seek new passions … "

Amen to that! In the weeks following my quitting acting, I wallowed aimlessly. Even though I had actor-pals suggesting I try voice work, I was too preoccupied feeling glum. Then, when I finally thought I might give it a try, nothing happened. I sat around waiting for voice work to come to me. It wasn't until I did a little online snooping, found the name and number of an established voice/actor in Chicago, called him, told him of my predicament, and started following the advice he was providing so generously, that my life started to pick up, as did my spirits. But, as you say, I couldn't remain passive; I had to become actively involved in mending my life.

Ray (@ray666)