Gabapentin side effects?

Posted by Sundance(RB) @sundance6, Apr 13, 2019

I am a regular on the Mayo Board! I don't know what I would do without it! Our doctors don't want to discuss openly the things about illnesses and side effets of drugs and other things. Anyway, my question to all of you is Gabapentin and it's side effects. I have been on it now for 6 months. My doctor raised me from 100mg. to now I am on 400mg. three times a day.
The problem is my tiredness! I happen to be in a friends office yesterday and she was taking some medicine. She said she was taking Gabapentin. I asked why and she said she had, had shingles back when and it still helped with the pain. I know the drug is percribed for many things that is why I take it for my issues.
I told her I had been taking it for about 6 months. She asked if I had been tired all the time, just out of the Blue. OF COURSE I SAID YES! She said it took her a year before she got out of the tiredness.
Let me know if any of you have experienced the same thing. Also let me know at what dosage you may be on? I know this is all confidential!
Again Thanks to The Mayo Clinic and Everyone who is kind enough to be open with their lives!

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It seems they give Gaba to everyone these days. They don't know what to do without Opioids. Gaba is not good for all things. It is good with small nerve pain like neuropathy. A little goes a long way. They increase the dose thinking that more is better. More is not better. It more likely is not working for the persons type of pain if they need high doses.
It is also good in lower dose with combination lower dosecocktails like Motrin/Gaba/Sineguine.
( all lower dose).It also seems that your brain establishes a memory for the drug and you can go on and off and it does not take weeks to help.
I hope this helps.


Were you taking the same (or higher dose) but fewer times per day and having side effects?

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Have been taking 600mg daily for years with no side affects. Six months ago pain got worse. We experimented with different doses until we came up with this dosage.


It seems they give Gaba to everyone these days. They don't know what to do without Opioids. Gaba is not good for all things. It is good with small nerve pain like neuropathy. A little goes a long way. They increase the dose thinking that more is better. More is not better. It more likely is not working for the persons type of pain if they need high doses.
It is also good in lower dose with combination lower dosecocktails like Motrin/Gaba/Sineguine.
( all lower dose).It also seems that your brain establishes a memory for the drug and you can go on and off and it does not take weeks to help.
I hope this helps.

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Gabapentin was developed as a seizure medication, probably the weakest of the Anticonvulsants.
I disagree somewhat with your statement. “They increase the dose thinking that more is better. More is not better.” In some people more is better. It wasn’t in my case. It didn’t help my neuropathy or my focal seizures. I knew a man who took 7,000 my and only then did he get some relief. My brother takes 3,600 and it helps him but the same dose didn’t help me at all.
Just goes to show how differently we react to medicine.
Take care,


I was on 1200 mg of it for 3 years for restless legs. It was very good for that. An added benefit was a huge reduction in migraines and trigeminal neuralgia. Unfortu.ately it caused severe dry mouth. I used every Biotine product on the market ,advised by my brother the dentist. That did not help enough and i had my front upper teeth hollow out and crumble. I now have crowns in their places, with 2 more crowns to go. Needless to say I am now off of it. Be sure to have your teeth checked regularly!

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When I experienced dry mouth I found that a room humidifier helped—especially at night


My problem with Gabapentin is balance, I've been on big doses and now 600 2x a day for neuropathy in my feet. Also have just been told I have arthritis in feet and ankles so going to see arthritis physician and see what he recommends, maybe I'll get off Gabapentin. I'm fine till noon and then want to nap all the time, good thing retired.


that drug is awful!! and i agree these doctors need to tell us the side effects!! this drug made me so tired, fat and lazy. I could feel my brain pulling. I am not sure how to describe it...but it's on my list i will NEVER TAKE AGAIN!!! it also made me blow up to 210 lbs almost overnight!! It has to slow down your system, hence the weight gain and tiredness. i just deal with the pain - this rx is not worth the side effects. personal opinion


My problem with Gabapentin is balance, I've been on big doses and now 600 2x a day for neuropathy in my feet. Also have just been told I have arthritis in feet and ankles so going to see arthritis physician and see what he recommends, maybe I'll get off Gabapentin. I'm fine till noon and then want to nap all the time, good thing retired.

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Maybe try magnesium oil for your feet/ankles.


Maybe try magnesium oil for your feet/ankles.

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What does magnesium oil do for feet and ankles?


Hi there,
Well, it’s nothing to write home about but here it is.
I took Neurontin / Gabapentin soon after it came on the market about 25 years ago.
This is an Anticonvulsant or an AntiEpilepsyDrug (AED.) All AED’s that I’m familiar with cause drowsiness, possible headache, dizziness & coordination issues. This like other symptoms can go away after taking it for awhile. Although I was hospitalized with Ataxia while on it. I was trying to visit a friend but kept veering off to the left. I had to yell for help since I was getting farther & farther away. Quite an interesting experience actually.
Gabapentin is a nonlinear drug used for Focal Aware & Focal Impaired and bilateral Tonic Clonic Seizures. It’s probably now more often used for various nerve pain than seizures, just a guess really. Is it helping your problem? I took the max dose of 3600mg. It never helped my seizures or Polyneuropathy. I knew one man on 7,000mg.
NEVER stop any AED abruptly, it can cause a severe seizure, Convulsive Status Epilepticus.
Your tiredness may go away anytime, then again, you might end up like me (Awful thought, I know.) o I’ve been on AED’s for 52 years and I’m still tired. You may want to ask your doctor and pharmacist of the chance of developing peripheral neuropathy from taking this medication.
Hopefully it will go completely away soon, I wouldn’t be surprised if it got better but be prepared either way. I have known an untold number of people on these meds and many did get over the tiredness.

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I am taking it for rectal pain and dysfunction caused by a surgery that went bad. The surgeon never addressed my now 24 hour pain and frozen sphincter in ani. I can only drink food, no solids or stool cannot slip out.
I have been taking gabapentin for 4 months, got to 1800 a day. I then was told to go up to 2700, since pain was breaking through. I am basically home and bed bound. I slowly moved up to the first day of 2700. Horrible feelings in addition to my other side effects. I thought I may have serotonin syndrome .I had it previously from a medicine change. I looked up if gabapentin could cause SS. Yes it is an neurotransmitter. Add that to my antidepressants and yes, SS. The twitching of muscles, the speaking effect, no memory, the shaky feelings inside, the stiff walking, dizziness, difficulty thinking in a linear way, more depression. . I had more nerve pain in my neuropathy and now in my shoulder and arm. It can also effect your gastrointestinal system. Who knows that if you are on antidepressants and take gabapentin you will have this potentially life threatening medicine reaction.
I cant say I had tiredness, because I lost 35 lb in 1 month and lost all my bodybuilding muscles. I am weak. I can’t stop taking the gabapentin, but will stay at 1800, the pain is worse that the SS.
Most doctors are not going to catch this reaction some may give more antidepressants. Look at your meds and do some serotonin research. That may be your problem with the gabapentin.


When I experienced dry mouth I found that a room humidifier helped—especially at night

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The dry mouth is a symptom of Serotonin Syndrome. Are you taking antidepressants. If so the gabapentin can be causing may problems because it is a neurotransmitter, it adds to much with antidepressants.

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