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Pancreatic cancer spreading to liver

Pancreatic Cancer | Last Active: Oct 23, 2023 | Replies (13)

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I am a 2 1/2 year survivor of pancreatic cancer had the Whipple, chemo and radiation. Ca-19just came back after last bloodwork elevated higher than before treatments.Having mri of liver today and Thursday scope and ultrasound.I have right side dull pain all the time and have advanced to #10 pain. Now on oxy and gummies. I guess I need to know more from tests, but have read that pancreatic cancer goes to liver in final stages. I have had the testing through pancan for possible treatments. I have not recontacted them yet I am assuming the doctor will. Thank you open to any advice and nervous.

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Replies to "I am a 2 1/2 year survivor of pancreatic cancer had the Whipple, chemo and radiation...."

I am a 1 year survivor of mucinous pancreatic cancer with 2 lesions on my liver. I had a CT last month, which showed one of the liver lesions had grown a little and the pancreas tumor was 1/2 centimeter larger. I had been having tweaks of discomfort in my upper abdomen & esophagus and after the CT, I was immediately put on a different chemo treatment. Today I had my 3rd treatment & I have been handling it well. I haven't exprienced nausea or diarrhea, just very tired for 5 to 6 days & numbness in my feet & hands. My pancan was found early & the tumor & lesions were small. I was told mucinous pancreatic cancer can't be cured, just maintained.
I started reading a book, "How to Starve Cancer". I'm reading the book first before I change anything in my diet and I tell my doctor what I'm doing too. It sounds like the keto diet might help remove the glucose(sugar) that cancer cells feed on. The only concern is the once you start removing the glucose foods from your diet & feed on your fat reserves, you start to loss weight. This is not a good thing when you are fighting cancer. My brother-in-law did the keto diet, so I can always fall back on what he has done.
As you were describing the pain you are having, it must be awful. I have been told pancan can cause alot of pain. I thank God I don't have that, yet. It's good that you are having all this testing done to find out what is going on. My mom had gallbladder cancer that had metastasized in her liver, actually the gallbladder had grown into the liver. She had cancer everywhere because it was diagnosed so late and she lived only 4 months after that. I'm telling you this not to scare you but to show you how different your condition could be. My mom had at least a 1/4 of her liver removed, several lymph nodes and gallbladder. It was a tough surgery & she was in a lot of pain.
Your liver may have some lesions or tumors but may not be so large, as well as your pancreas tumor. You will probably get some genetic testing on the tumors to see if there are targeted treatments for these. My cancer cells haven't mutated into anything that has targeted treatment, only clinical trials. Don't give up hope until you have heard from your doctor all the results. Everyone's journey is different, we don't have the same type of pancan, as well as other patients. There might be new chemo treatments that will work for you. I know it's hard seeing Ca-19 numbers going up, which mine had been doing. My doctor told me, not to take them too seriously. He has seen patients with really high Ca-19 numbers that were healthy & doing well & has also seen patients with low Ca-19 numbers that weren't doing well. I guess it's the mystery of cancer.
I hope and pray you will be told positive news. Take care of yourself.