Hip/ pelvic pain after endometrial cancer

Posted by jjevitts @jjevitts, Oct 16, 2023

Good evening,
As some of you may remember I posted about having hip and pelvic pain after endometrial cancer. My Dr felt is was most likely scar tissue. The pain was continually getting worse and at my request ordered a CT scan, which I had today and already have the results. Everything looked good except it shows I have a 5.2 cm right lower quadrant mass contacting the cecum. The only thing I really understood in that was mass in the soft tissue, which of course send me into a panic. I was unable to get a hold of my Dr all day so of course spent the day googling. She finally called and said we won’t know anything until a biopsy is performed. So now I wait.. I told some I would keep you updated. Thank you so much to those who reached out. It was so appreciated.

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@jjevitts Living with the hip and pelvic pain as you have must make you so anxious and weary. I know that when I recently had pain (I had a sacrum fracture about this time last year that I think is healed and was due to pelvic radiation therapy in 2021) resulted in fatigue for months. And then as cancer survivors of endometrial cancer we have the terrible worry of whether this is recurrence or another new cancer. I’m relieved to know that your doctor listened to you and ordered a CT. I’m not a medical professional so I don’t know how to interpret the findings on your CT but like you those findings of the lower quadrant mass would have sent me into a panic.

Is your doctor referring you to specialist for a biopsy? I am hoping that you get that biopsy very soon so the unknown won’t weigh on you for long.


I don't have much to say other than that I am so sorry that you are faced with this fear and with waiting for more clarity, @jjevitts. I'm so glad you sought care for the ongoing pain and hope that the biopsy can be scheduled soon so that you're not in limbo any longer than you have to be. I will be keeping you in my thoughts, sending care, and do hope that you have a plan of care soon and that you'll keep us up to date on what you learn. < hugs>


I don't have much to say other than that I am so sorry that you are faced with this fear and with waiting for more clarity, @jjevitts. I'm so glad you sought care for the ongoing pain and hope that the biopsy can be scheduled soon so that you're not in limbo any longer than you have to be. I will be keeping you in my thoughts, sending care, and do hope that you have a plan of care soon and that you'll keep us up to date on what you learn. < hugs>

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Thank you so so much! Your words and caring have helped so much! It was a long night last night, but it’s a new day and I’m ready to get this show on the road!!
Again, thank you!💜


@jjevits, you are so welcome. Those long nights are so tough to get through! The thoughts and fears and images keep coming. I do what I can at that point...get up long enough to write down ideas I want to remember or questions I need to ask, grab a hot water bottle and hug it, focus on my out-breath, making it longer than my in-breath, repeat soothing mantras/prayers/songs, or just get up and (as quietly as possible) move my body to allow the chemistry of fear to get out (pushing on a wall, pacing or running in place). Surfing this group can reassure me that I'm not alone, or can scare me even more at times, so I have to be careful about that choice. Sometimes watching the stars and imagining others who may be seeking comfort from their places in the world as well feels a bit soothing. The fears and worries keep coming back, so I have to repeat and repeat and repeat what might help for just a few moments until exhaustion allows me to watch the patterns inside my eyelids, or morning comes and I can seek support from others. Again, wishing you clear information, viable choices, opportunities to move forward and bomb-proof support from those who must care about you very much.


@jjevitts Living with the hip and pelvic pain as you have must make you so anxious and weary. I know that when I recently had pain (I had a sacrum fracture about this time last year that I think is healed and was due to pelvic radiation therapy in 2021) resulted in fatigue for months. And then as cancer survivors of endometrial cancer we have the terrible worry of whether this is recurrence or another new cancer. I’m relieved to know that your doctor listened to you and ordered a CT. I’m not a medical professional so I don’t know how to interpret the findings on your CT but like you those findings of the lower quadrant mass would have sent me into a panic.

Is your doctor referring you to specialist for a biopsy? I am hoping that you get that biopsy very soon so the unknown won’t weigh on you for long.

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Godoy morning Nature Girl! Thank you so much for your concern and words of encouragement. You are so right, we worry about recurrence and new cancer. This site and people like you gynosaur 42 have been so helping and compassionate.it has meant so much. I doctor at the University of Michigan and they have a team of radiologists that will make a recommendation. I will be honest, my husband and I have talked about going to Mayo. I have only heard great things!


@jjevits, you are so welcome. Those long nights are so tough to get through! The thoughts and fears and images keep coming. I do what I can at that point...get up long enough to write down ideas I want to remember or questions I need to ask, grab a hot water bottle and hug it, focus on my out-breath, making it longer than my in-breath, repeat soothing mantras/prayers/songs, or just get up and (as quietly as possible) move my body to allow the chemistry of fear to get out (pushing on a wall, pacing or running in place). Surfing this group can reassure me that I'm not alone, or can scare me even more at times, so I have to be careful about that choice. Sometimes watching the stars and imagining others who may be seeking comfort from their places in the world as well feels a bit soothing. The fears and worries keep coming back, so I have to repeat and repeat and repeat what might help for just a few moments until exhaustion allows me to watch the patterns inside my eyelids, or morning comes and I can seek support from others. Again, wishing you clear information, viable choices, opportunities to move forward and bomb-proof support from those who must care about you very much.

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@ gynosaur42 you made me cry, but in a good way. You are so insightful and kind. I know if I met you in person I would like you.. heck, I already do!
Your words and thoughts are so helpful and calming. Im a former English teacher and you express yourself do beautifully!
You are right, Im blessed with an amazing family who give me so much love and support, that is something I never take for granted.
Again, thanks so much. I will keep you posted! 💜


Godoy morning Nature Girl! Thank you so much for your concern and words of encouragement. You are so right, we worry about recurrence and new cancer. This site and people like you gynosaur 42 have been so helping and compassionate.it has meant so much. I doctor at the University of Michigan and they have a team of radiologists that will make a recommendation. I will be honest, my husband and I have talked about going to Mayo. I have only heard great things!

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@jjevitts I’m in Michigan too and had my insurance company in 2019 not allowed me to go to Mayo Clinic I would have been at the University of Michigan for my care. I think you are in a good setting at UM with all the research and expertise available.

I just read @gynosaur42. Her suggestions for what she does when she cannot sleep are helpful. I’m going to try some of these. The skill that works most of the time for me is focusing on my breath. Especially the out-breath. I have to remind myself to do this over and over again and then I manage to drift off to sleep. If anxiety wakes me up again, I do it again. I have a very « busy » mind and it’s especially busy when I’m worried. Just noticing my thoughts bouncing around and then bringing myself back to my breath is such a graceful practice.

It’s good to know that you are surrounded by your loving and supportive family.


@jjevitts I’m in Michigan too and had my insurance company in 2019 not allowed me to go to Mayo Clinic I would have been at the University of Michigan for my care. I think you are in a good setting at UM with all the research and expertise available.

I just read @gynosaur42. Her suggestions for what she does when she cannot sleep are helpful. I’m going to try some of these. The skill that works most of the time for me is focusing on my breath. Especially the out-breath. I have to remind myself to do this over and over again and then I manage to drift off to sleep. If anxiety wakes me up again, I do it again. I have a very « busy » mind and it’s especially busy when I’m worried. Just noticing my thoughts bouncing around and then bringing myself back to my breath is such a graceful practice.

It’s good to know that you are surrounded by your loving and supportive family.

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Nature girl! Oh wow! Both Michigan girls! I have been very pleased with the care and expertise there.
I am definitely going to try both of your suggestions. It makes me so mad at myself, but it’s just so hard turning off your mind.
Thank you so much for caring and checking in! It is greatly appreciated!

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