Do you mind if I share some good news about myself?

Posted by Scott R L @scottrl, Oct 12, 2023

I am recovering from a stroke.

Yesterday, I was invited to give a talk at TCU (Texas Christian University) here in Fort Worth to talk about my recovery experience to a group of graduate students.

It went pretty well, and I had fun, though it was exhausting! The students were attentive and curious.

I forgot to press Record at the start, so I only got the last 40 minutes of audio, but it's here if you'd like to have a listen. Feel free to share the link with others.

Here's hoping I can find more opportunities to share my experiences.


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Very commendable that your out there educating people about stroke. There are so many misconceptions regarding our various health issues. You look and sound so natural. I have a hard time talking about my nemesis Epilepsy. I feel like a blithering idiot in front of a group. Im sure your videos will be a great help to many.

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Thank you for your kind words, Jake.

You know, it's funny. I didn't set out to be a spokesman. But when people would hear my story, they'd tell me, "You're such an inspiration!"

Frankly, I thought they were just trying to cheer me up. But when SilverSneakers wanted to interview me, it started me thinking. I tried a couple of homemade videos and got some encouragement, so I've kept going. (I have two new episodes in the works.)

Along the way, I've learned a lot about what people *don't* know. Some think all strokes more or less alike; some think you recover quickly, like from a broken leg. And a lot more besides.

If I can inform/encourage/inspire/engage anyone who needs it, I'm happy. Besides, I need inspiration and encouragement too.

Thanks again, and feel free to share my videos with others.


Hi Scott,
Just curious, did you have a hemorrhagic or an Ischemic stroke?
Also did you have any seizures after your stroke?
Thanks Scott,


Thank you for your kind words, Jake.

You know, it's funny. I didn't set out to be a spokesman. But when people would hear my story, they'd tell me, "You're such an inspiration!"

Frankly, I thought they were just trying to cheer me up. But when SilverSneakers wanted to interview me, it started me thinking. I tried a couple of homemade videos and got some encouragement, so I've kept going. (I have two new episodes in the works.)

Along the way, I've learned a lot about what people *don't* know. Some think all strokes more or less alike; some think you recover quickly, like from a broken leg. And a lot more besides.

If I can inform/encourage/inspire/engage anyone who needs it, I'm happy. Besides, I need inspiration and encouragement too.

Thanks again, and feel free to share my videos with others.

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Thank you so very much for your post. I listened to your video and thoroughly enjoyed it, as it was very informative.
I'll certainly check out your other videos. I admire your courage and ability to keep positive through your journey.
I appreciate you sharing your very personal experience.
Big hug is enclosed,


Thank you so very much for your post. I listened to your video and thoroughly enjoyed it, as it was very informative.
I'll certainly check out your other videos. I admire your courage and ability to keep positive through your journey.
I appreciate you sharing your very personal experience.
Big hug is enclosed,

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Thank you, Carol.

I'm glad you like it, and hope you'll enjoy the others, too.

Feel free to share them with others!


Hi Scott,
Just curious, did you have a hemorrhagic or an Ischemic stroke?
Also did you have any seizures after your stroke?
Thanks Scott,

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Hi, Leonard.

I had a lacunar ischemic stroke affecting my right side.

It was what's known as a "Pure Motor" stroke -- only my ability to move was affected. (Good thing I'm left-handed.)

I did not have any seizures, though for a while I had intense and painful spasms on my right side.

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