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i watched a video where a dr. suggested nicotine patches for long covid or wearing as a preventative. he was using 2mg patch. THIS IS MY EXPERIENCE SO TAKE WHATEVER YOU WISH FROM THIS: i've never smoked a cigarette but like the majority of us, we'll try anything. i ordered some patches from amazon and hubby cut the patch into a few strips so i'd start on a low dose and document how i was feeling on it before increasing dose. put the strip on shoulder in morning; by early afternoon i was feeling very stimulated (i've been diagnosed hypomanic on bipolar spectrum for more than 40 yrs.) and i felt the patch was moving me into mania so by then, i gave up on the patch. still waiting for some miracle as i'm on my supplements and antihistamines from reading the survivor corps long haul forum and going on 3 yrs. of symptoms tho over time symptoms have improved. insomnia still an issue even with several sleep meds which i've been on for yrs. and now have food sensitivities and they create dizziness and tingling in feet but i'll take a benadryl after dinner and wake up feeling somewhat normal. would love other's input re nicotine patch.

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Replies to "i watched a video where a dr. suggested nicotine patches for long covid or wearing as..."

I tried nicotine patch three times.
I was hopeful because others with my symptoms had gotten a lot of help. Like you, I am very sensitive to nicotine. I couldn’t come up with a dose that was tolerable. I know some say at first you will feel worse, but if you are vomiting, or anxiety is intolerable, it seems wrong to continue.
I might consider gum to try to build a little tolerance....I don’t know.
Good luck to you.

You can't cut the patches. The patches allow for slow release of nicotine, when you cut them, the contents ' spill out' and get absorbed by skin. So you may be getting higher dose. Try low dose gum.

Cutting the patches causes all the nicotine to be released at once, from what I heard. Therefore you should tape the part you don't want to touch your skin.