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Please try not to worry too much. I know it is hard but when facing any cancer diagnosis you must remain positive. There are many stories out there where people had a tough cancer diagnosis and have lived and are living for many many years. I am fighting the good fight. I had a very small lesion removed 4 years again. No lymph node involvement. Rad and AI. I have been a runner for my whole life and it is not unusual to have aches and pains after a run. I was having lower back and hip pain. So my IM decided to take x-rays to see if arthritis or spine issues from my years of running. Found breast cancer lesion in my lower back.. Bone scan and PET scan showed breast cancer in my lower back, left femur, shoulders, and two spots on my ribs. I can tell you cancer does hurt. Rad done on all areas and my pain is gone. Taking usual breast cancer meds orally, shots and IV. I feel great. Running now but a bit slower!! My care team says I have a great prognosis and I am living my life with cancer. You got this so don't let the negative thoughts bring you down. You have a life to live so go live it. Hugs.

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Replies to "Please try not to worry too much. I know it is hard but when facing any..."

Thank you so so much for your wonderful reply.

I am so sorry your cancer has spread. It seems so unfair, because you are a runner and so healthy and doing everything right, and it still happened to you.

But what a brave and positive attitude you have, and I can’t tell you how much I admire you, and pray for the cancer to be arrested and for you to have many many many more happy pain free years of life to enjoy.

Thank you again so much. This is a little scary, a little daunting, but I will keep you and the other wonderful brave amazing ladies in mind as I fight this cancer, and my mind is set on winning and living a very good life!
