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My dad (age 96) is in a similar situation. We have chosen not to transfer his name from the title as we still use it to transport him to outside doctor visits, etc. Only my brothers and I drive the car and only if it is for Dad to go someplace. Transferring the title would be easy with the POA, but it is not necessary st this point. My husband has LBD with Parkinsons. I did take his name off of titles, cars, house, insurance papers etc. and most bank accounts for financial protection for both of us to protect our assets so we can continue to stay at home. I also applied for guardianship to further protect our accounts from scammers or others that might try to take advantage of him.
It is a decision that must be made by weighing the options and circumstances based on individual/family needs.

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Replies to "My dad (age 96) is in a similar situation. We have chosen not to transfer his..."

Thank you for your response. I am using DPOA to manage my wife's assets. You removed your husband's name from assets "...so we can continue to stay at home." Was this motivated by a security concern or related to some requirement about staying at home? My wife is in a memory care unit.

We are a long way from needing this point, but I found your post very sad and helpful at the same time. You sound very caring and also proactive for yourself and your loved ones. Where does one go to get solid advice on the steps to take, and learn when they should be initiated? I’m not being a downer; my husband has been diagnosed 2 years ago, with MCI but his sister recently passed away from Alzheimer’s. We are on a list for another 3-hour evaluation but were told it could be Spring before we move up the list to get an actual appointment. I feel things are changing a little faster of late. You sound like a very wise person. Best wishes to you going forward. Signed, also a teacher, (back in the day)