Ultrasound or MRI for post-mastectomy follow-up

Posted by mayo101 @mayo101, Oct 8, 2023

I had a preventive double mastectomy without reconstruction a year ago for LCIS. I have been told that afterwards, the only follow up screening is just feeling for lumps. I feel that by the time one feels something, it would be a bit late in stage. I am considering paying for either an ultrasound or MRI out of pocket as these screenings are not within my HMO guidelines and would not be covered. Does anyone have any input as to which one I should do? Considering the cost of a MRI, I know I won’t be able to do it frequently. Maybe an MRI this first time followed by subsequent yearly ultrasounds? Any advise would be appreciated.

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Hello, thanks to those who responded to my question of whether to do MRI or ultrasound post bilateral mastectomy as a screening tool. My follow up question is for those who has a MRI following mastectomy. How likely is it for false positives to occur when there is scarred and inflamed tissue resulting from the surgery. It has been a year since my preventive double mastectomy without reconstruction for LCIS. I want to pay for a MRI because while my doctors do not think I need it, I will feel better knowing rather than assuming that everything has been removed. But the other part of me is nervous about having to deal with the possibility of having to go through more testing, especially since MRIs are known for its high rate of false positives.

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Mammo nor ultrasound picked up my TWO sizeable tumors in one breast! I had an unusual symptom and strongly requested an MRI … boom! I was called within hours for three biopsies ( one in enlarged node which was positive. So… unilateral mastectomy with reconstruction on right. I am now monitoring annually with mammo/ultrasound AND MRI spaced 6 mos. Apart. It’s the MRI that gives me comfort; I’d rather a false positive than the false negative I experienced with mammo/ultrasound. Plus MRI monitors the reconstructive side too.

Best to you with your decision 🌸


I had reconstructed surgery on both I had enough Brest tissue to take the cancer and have a good margins. 2 of my lymphs had cancer which were taken out. I had a had surgery in May of 2022 and mammogram on Feb of 2023. Per my radiologist who look at my film suggested mri in between mammogram so every 6 months I am being viewed. As of day , I can say I am cancer free had a mri done in Aug with no evidence of cancer. I believe that mri are needed to get a better look FDA has know approved people with dense breast are more likely to get breast cancer so insurance companies have to approve this procedure to help us con-bat this disease.


Mammo nor ultrasound picked up my TWO sizeable tumors in one breast! I had an unusual symptom and strongly requested an MRI … boom! I was called within hours for three biopsies ( one in enlarged node which was positive. So… unilateral mastectomy with reconstruction on right. I am now monitoring annually with mammo/ultrasound AND MRI spaced 6 mos. Apart. It’s the MRI that gives me comfort; I’d rather a false positive than the false negative I experienced with mammo/ultrasound. Plus MRI monitors the reconstructive side too.

Best to you with your decision 🌸

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I alternate between mammo and mri every 6 months.

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