Any tips on reducing number of Hot flashes after ADT

Posted by benice268 @benice268, Oct 12, 2023

Had ADT over a month ago. Start having Hot Flashes after two weeks. It is mild and usually lasted for only a few minutes. Having about 10 times each day during the day and night - anytime. The worse is in the middle of the night (a couple times) makes me get up and go to the bathroom.

Any tips to reduce the frequency of Hot Flashes after ADT would be appreciated.


Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Prostate Cancer Support Group.

May want to take a look at the "Non-Drug Treatment for Hot Flashes and Night Sweats in Cancer Patients and Survivors" section on the following page from the National Cancer Institute.

Hot Flashes and Night Sweats


My cardiologist prescribed 10 mg Paxil (off label). The generic is Paroxetine, wired wonders.
My wife claims it makes me a nicer person as well.


I found documentation that I gave to my PCP that Venlafaxine, an antidepressant, reduced hot flashes in a man my age, 72. I am on 37.5 mg twice daily. IT WORKS!

My Urologist recommended the dosage, my PCP agreed.


i just started taking a product called dim in 2 days it seems to have reduced night time hot flashes i found it on Amazon dim 200mg bioperine


Like lcashell I'm using Paroxetine. (I'm at 40mg, once a day).
My family doc took me off Zoloft since Paroxetine is also an antidepressant.
Great results for me too. Doesn't eliminate the flashes but much reduced in frequency and intensity.
Hope you have the same good outcome. You have plenty more issues to deal with.


My husband takes one 30mg Duloxetine per day. Works great!


I had been on ADT for 2 years in 2018-2020 and am currently through 8 months of an 18 month ADT program. I don't know if it will help you, but I believe the exercise I do daily and a mostly plant-based diet help me to limit hot flashes and sleep better.


I found documentation that I gave to my PCP that Venlafaxine, an antidepressant, reduced hot flashes in a man my age, 72. I am on 37.5 mg twice daily. IT WORKS!

My Urologist recommended the dosage, my PCP agreed.

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My pcp had me try venlafaxin. Made my bladder spasms unbearable. Stopped taking it.


My pcp had me try venlafaxin. Made my bladder spasms unbearable. Stopped taking it.

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I had two bladder spasms, both within minutes of each other while halfway through my period of catheterization.


I had been on ADT for 2 years in 2018-2020 and am currently through 8 months of an 18 month ADT program. I don't know if it will help you, but I believe the exercise I do daily and a mostly plant-based diet help me to limit hot flashes and sleep better.

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Thank you everyone for your post and advise. This support group is just what I needed.

@florida11: Can you tell me what exercise you do daily to help you to limit hot flashes ? thx.


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