Post Covid sweating: Is this common for others too?

Posted by dr4bama @dr4bama, Jul 14, 2022

I am experiencing profuse sweating off during the day and nightly. Is this common post Covid?

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I joined this group because I have annoying neuropathy in both my feet, sometimes traveling up to my knees. But now I have a new one for everybody. I had a positive Covid-19 test on Sept. 28. I was pretty much self trating, was able to get a doctors appt. (PA) today. It was suggested that I get an infusion. The one that medicare approves of or of course the more expensive one. I choose the medicare approved one. While I was waiting I got extremely hot, so they bought me some water and turned on a desk fan. When they tried to put the needle in, I started to faint and asked them to stop. I was given a z-pack and predisone. That was today and tonight, I started getting hot off and on, and think I was having hot flashes. I am 79. I can't find out much on the web, but it does appear that hot flashes are a common sign in the UK of Omicron BA.5 (1 in 10) are suffering hot flushes. Has any one else experience this?

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Which type of infusion was recommended? Did your doctor performing any testing to determine this method of treatment? Dealing with temperature dysregulatuon in hands and knees to feet.


Does anyone have the same long covid issues as me?

I caught covid 21st March 2020 and it's wrecked my life, severe fatigue issues so bad I've now been issued a "Blue Badge" which allows me to park in disabled bays close to the entrances of shops etc., and for the past 2 years had to live on the ground floor because climbing stairs is so exhausting. In the past 3.5+ years I've lost most of my muscle mass & strength in my arms & legs.

Now, daily my armpits drip sweat like there's no tomorrow, yesterday I soaked through 4 tshirts, 5 the day before. I'm on my 4th today and the armpits are soaked, and my fingers+toes are usually freezing cold at the same time.

But at around 11pm the sweating stops and my fingers+toes warm up to normal temperatures. Daily. It's pretty much like clockwork.
In the mornings when I wake, my fingers+toes are nice & warm & no sweating, then within an hour of getting out of bed they're freezing & I'm sweating.

First noticed the excess sweating at the end of summer 2021 and then noticed my fingers+toes losing temperature spring 2022, I've attached a few thermal images of them showing the stark difference between day & night.
The dates+times in the thermal images are correct.

What the hell is going on with me? Anyone have a clue? Because the doctors I've seen don't.


I’m a long hauler covid person, I had covid in January 2022, in the hospital for 3 weeks. It’s interesting that I found this. I’ve been telling my husband that I have been sweating lately, which really surprised me, because I never sweat, neither does anyone in my family unfortunately. I thought maybe my metabolism is working better, but it maybe just the long haul covid.

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HI. Did this terminate? I'm on two months of excess sweating, as well as Eustachian tubes dysfunction. This is terrible.

Hope you are well.


One year our and I can't believe it just keeps getting worse. Tried Zoloft (nothing, was just switcitina different one to try today) 2 accuupuntirsts, diet change.


I also had Covid in November. Afterwards & Since 22nd sweating 😓 so unlike me.

Unless in steam sauna.

I hope it goes away!
Any vitamin cleanse referral appreciated.


I had covid in November 2022, I took Paxlovid for five days and then it was 2 weeks later that I tested negative. I noticed very early into it that I was sweating profusely first at night and then in the daytime…the toughest part was going outside when it was cold and then I’d have a sweat attack and now I’m soaking wet underneath my coat. I was constantly stressed and the more I stressed the worse it got…I personally found a connection between stress and anxiety leading to sweating. I try not to get upset, instead I just wash myself and put on some lotion and light clothes, cotton is best for sweating…I also find drinking a cool beverage or just water during a sweat attack helps to make it go faster, in fact drinking lots of fluids will help to feel better. I realize that I have some of the other symptoms that people are having but I only went to the doctor a couple of times to rule out other problems, palpitations always came along with the sweating which I find scary but nothing physical has shown up thankfully. It’s a foreign man made virus and it affects millions of people, some symptoms are similar and then there’s the poor souls who really got hit hard by covid and are still in the hospital. I think our world is very changed and we don’t know what to expect anymore and we are also going through changes, we don’t know what lays ahead but I will continue to do my best to fight back to cope and lots of prayers amen 🙏


Hello— I’ve now had Covid twice. (immunocompromised: — Lupus, PsA, AI Pancreatitis/EPI , Asthma). I’m considered a Long Covid patient— contracted the first case early 2020 & still have some ongoing issues. One thing that doesn’t get better is the body temp disregulation. I get sudden onset extreme heat intolerance. I get no warning. It happens periodically & day/night. It’s to the point that it’s so profound I sometimes have to quickly remove my clothing. But what’s absolutely terrible is the profound night sweats. This has been going on for over 14 months now. It wakes me up several times a night. Sometimes it’s my entire body—literally head to toe. I wake up drenched in sweat, and my body is hot to the touch. Even this past winter—when the night temps get to 20•, I turned the heat off, opened my bedroom window, had light covers on. No relief. It’s unbearable. Doctors here (NM) have performed so many tests. They keep saying that it’s not related to female hormonal changes & no obvious signs of Thyroid disease . (I have had significant vascular & neurological changes since Covid diagnoses.) They can’t figure it out. One suggested that perhaps it’s related to Long Covid. I’m just exasperated & need answers

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after my 3rd episode (last in July 2023),my night sweats are constant, often waking me up at 3-4 am with a wetnight shirt and shorts, even a damp bedsheet. My wife keeps asking if I feel well, and I do overall. I also have a persistent smell of smoky barbeque , and my taste for sour (like sour gummy worms) is gone. My original interstitial pneumonia in March 2021, took a month to recover exercise capacity, then the fall 2022 even was similar. I keep rying all the usual - turmeric, omega 3, fluticasone, daily exercise.


Oh my goodness I thought I was going crazy with being the only one I knew with sweating. The first time I had covid in 2022, the sweats were the the worst part of it!! All night and day for 6 weeks and then a little bit here and there for about a month. Everyone said it was menopause however I had hysterectomy 15 years ago with maybe 1 hotflash a year.. Fast forward to 2023, sweating had been gone and I got Covid again, the sweating was minimal during Covid but a week after I was clear it started again and its been 6 months! Ugh, in the scheme of things I know its minimal but it can be miserable! I just hate that doctors are dismissive!


I also have been perspiring profusely. I perspire even if I am just sitting, and if there is any exertion, I am then soaking wet. My hands also tremble. I have just started with herbs. Since there is nothing known to cure this from covid, I am being treated for viral infections such as Epstein Barr. It takes a while as its three weeks on one, then another three weeks on another, blood test and finally three weeks on another. I will update. This is thru a functional medicine doctor who is also a regular MD--not someone who is adding this to his current practice--whatever that may be.

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I to have been sweating profusely atleast 8-9 times a day. Some are light, some are medium (sweat beading all over my body), some are Severe (sweat running in rivulets all over my entire body). This goes on all day, waking me during the night 2-3 times atleast. Is there any help for this condition? This is one miserable condition to be afflicted with. Are you still sweating? It's been a while since this was posted.

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