My sister was diagnosed today. Is the Mayo the best place for surgery.

Posted by reneemb @reneemb, Sep 29, 2023

My sister needs surgery for the cancer. It is in all 4 layers and hot the lung tissue. Is the Mayo the best place?

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I tend to look at our EC journeys in separate stages. The ability to get quickly dx'd (and a full and complete diagnosis) is one thing. Having knowledgeable oncologists and a tumor board to prescribe treatments and plan of attack... is another. Expertise in dealing with EC... many many cases of EC... is paramount. But doing treatments... in this case maybe just a chemo regimen (is she stage 4? Or just growth thru the esophagus, but no spread yet outside?) Can typically be done anywhere. A bag of chemo is a bag of chemo... can be administered anywhere.

But surgery (esophagectomy) is a separate ballgame. It is worth shopping for... this is about as complex a surgery as there is... open heart surgery is child's play by comparison. You want a surgeon who has done many. What is many... doesn't have to be 3 a week... but don't want it to be 5 a year either. And all surgeons aren't proficient at all the different ways this surgery can be done. But what does matter is that they are proficient at the way they know how to do it!

So... first things first. Can your sister even get to surgery? That will be determined in 2 to 3 months, as her treatments are done and she is then re-scanned to be sure all is looking as it should to get to surgery. But right up front her doctors will tell her if she, at this point in time, is a surgery candidate. And this can change, either way, as she progresses thru treatments.

So... the question is... is Mayo a good place to be for ALL her esophageal cancer care? I did not do any of my care at Mayo as I'm in southern California and did all of my stuff just 15 minutes from my house (I lucked out!)

But yes... Mayo is first rate... a good place to be for the entire EC journey.

Be well... and all the best.


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Mayo Rochester was best for us with excellent results due to an amazing team.


I agree.

The team I had at Mayo was wonderful. Very knowledgable, professional, specialising in such cases. Chemo, radiation, and surgery. Excellent results.

I wish the very best as you move forward. Stay strong through all of it!!


I’m very new to this group, and I am very impressed with the responses. I am not new to Esophageal Cancer as I am “no evidence of disease“ after three years. Very good response from Gary. Ditto and God bless you both.


I am obviously very new to this group as I forgot to say that I received my care at MD Anderson, Houston Texas. Very impressed with the quality of care, organization and follow up. I’ve heard nothing but great things about Mayo as well.


I agree with those complimenting Mayo which is where I had my treatment with excellent results.


I had proton radiation-25 rounds over 5 weeks and 5 chemotherapy treatments over 5 weeks at Rochesters Mayo Clinic. I also had the Ivor Lewis surgery at St Mary’s in Rochester. I will be 5 years cancer free the middle of April of 2024. I’m alive today because of the team of Dr’s and nurses that cared for me. What an awesome Clinic and hospital.

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