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Being a caregiver is not a pleasant task for sure ! It does take a toll physically on the caregiver and emotionally on both parties . My wife has suffered from dementia about 3 years ( with uncontrollable bowels) for about 10 to 12 months now . She is 77 and I,( her husband) am 79 . We have been together for 60 years married and 2 years dating . GOD has blessed me with the physical and mental strength to do what needs to be done! My most important prayer ,is that I will outlive her so that I can be here for her . My everyday tasks are : nurse..maid .. cook.. bookkeeper.. secretary ( phone answerer ) in one way or another. It does get physically challenging at times as well as emotionally! I find myself getting impatient at times , when that happens i mentally boot myself in the butt and remind myself, that it is not her fault ! It does take an emotional toll on her as well . She sometimes cries because of what I have to do to help her and keep things going ! Remember caregivers , they are feeling the pain of all of this too ! From all that I have been able to research on the subject, it doesn’t seem as any med helps ! We have tried turmeric (did nothing) , lion’s mane mushroom supplements ( also nothing ) . This best advice seemed to be for us to eat certain seafood at least twice a week ( or more ) . Tuna , salmon ,haddock, and a few others are best , and try to get the .... Wild caught variety ! Keep a stiff upper lip LOL !

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Replies to "Being a caregiver is not a pleasant task for sure ! It does take a toll..."

To Slysi
My wife had the same problem with her bowels, then she went to a Pelvic Floor physical therapist. If you can find one, it will make a world of difference for your wife (and you). My wife continues to do her pelvic floor exercises and it makes a world of difference 👍