← Return to Meningioma - I'm scared to watch and wait


Meningioma - I'm scared to watch and wait

Brain Tumor | Last Active: Dec 8, 2017 | Replies (26)

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Thank you for this info. My meningioma is size of 1/2 of a peanut. Right falx area. Was told inoperable 5 yrs ago when diagnosed. Was offered gamma knife if ever necessary. So far they tell me it's calcified and no change per MRI of 1-2016
I am very grateful to know of this if I should ever need further treatment other than "watch & wait" which is never easy. Thank you again. Take care, as they say, we're all in this together!

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Replies to "Thank you for this info. My meningioma is size of 1/2 of a peanut. Right falx..."

Thank you for that information. I have been talking to others locally, who have had gamma knife surgery.

Thank you. I have spoken to others who have had gamma knife surgery and radiation later. Their followup MRI was very good, with very little of the tumor left. I am sure that is the route I will take, when the time comes..