What type of specialist is the best type for Peripheal Neuropathy?

Posted by pkh3381 @pkh3381, Oct 5, 2023

What type of specialist is the best type for Peripheal Neuropathy? I have seen two neurologists, been referred to a Podiatrist, and not one has offered me help, or shown any interest. I will soon be seeing an Orthopedist about another problem and will ask him about PN. My PN is getting much worse, very quickly, and I need help. I realize there is no cure, but I also know that complications with the feet can lead to amputation if it goes too far, and I am getting very concerned.

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Thank you for the good information. I have an involuntary neurological body movemednt and I have to be careful of too much pain med because then I fall! It is hard to find and keep a good balance [no pun intended! LOL!]. I will read about the spinal cord stimulator. Again, thanks!

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I have a spinal cord stimulator. It does nothing for my neuropathy pain and we didn’t expect it to. It is very effective for my back/hip pain after back surgeries and arthritis.
I also take Duloxetine and Topamax and Buprenorphine patches for neuropathy. Big Pharma must love us, we take so many drugs.💊


Hi @pkh3381. I am sorry to hear about your experience and the frustration you are experiencing. I suggest reaching out to the Office of Patient Experience:

Mayo Clinic Office of Patient Experience
Phone: 844-544-0036 (toll free)
Email: opx@mayo.edu

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I tried giving feedback on very very bad experience with even setting up appointment. They never responded to e-mail and I don't recall ever reaching this line. The health care system is so broken and we who are sick are victims without any recourse. I live in city (major health care system) and wait to see endo is 6 months and we have no way of getting a biopsy or finding somone who knows about diabetic related autonomic failure. I just gave $$ to Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy. Our national priorities are very bad. Our military budget is now as big as out domestic budget. No sentors w exceeption of a few challange. I call and write White House, senators, etc., but it doesn't make a dent. We need more federal dollars spent by NIH on reasech and treatment options. It's all left up to drug companies and what they can make largest profits on.


I tried giving feedback on very very bad experience with even setting up appointment. They never responded to e-mail and I don't recall ever reaching this line. The health care system is so broken and we who are sick are victims without any recourse. I live in city (major health care system) and wait to see endo is 6 months and we have no way of getting a biopsy or finding somone who knows about diabetic related autonomic failure. I just gave $$ to Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy. Our national priorities are very bad. Our military budget is now as big as out domestic budget. No sentors w exceeption of a few challange. I call and write White House, senators, etc., but it doesn't make a dent. We need more federal dollars spent by NIH on reasech and treatment options. It's all left up to drug companies and what they can make largest profits on.

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I put this in wrong place. Can mentor please remove and send it back to me.


I put this in wrong place. Can mentor please remove and send it back to me.

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Sorry, please leave comment. I am totally fed up with Mayo and other monolithic hospital complexes that don't care about patients, but about money. I think Medicare Advantage, another scam for seniors due to profit making by intermediaries, is creating problems with requiring referals to discourage you from going outside network. Please join Physicians for Single Payer Healthcare. There are local chapters wtih lay persons trying to get local ordinances passed in counties across the United States.


I am excited! I found a specialist at Phoenix Mayo [near me & I am a patient there] and I have requested an appt. She does the spinal cord stimulation, along with what appears to be many other specific treatments for PN! I am not sure why I was never referred to her for help, but no matter if I can just get in to her [and soon, hopefully]. I don't know why I was not able to find her before, but??? You inspired me, so thank you!

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You are welcome. I am glad that you may have found someone who can help. As I have mentioned many times in this blog, I discovered early on that YOU have to be your own best advocate. Never stop looking, searching. Be persistent. What's the old saying? "The squeaky wheel gets the grease". So it is in the area of medicine.
Praying that you find THE ONE.


I also have searched for over 2 years for a neurologist specialist and may, and I emphasize may, have located one. Too early to say but the Mayo Clinic has been useless in this process. As regards Podiatrist, I recommend avoiding.
My treatment is Lyrica and waiting to see if Cymbalta might be added
I recommend exercising, some small 2 hour task each day and fighting as much as you can.
Not sure this group thing is of any value but let’s see


Hi @pkh3381. I am sorry to hear about your experience and the frustration you are experiencing. I suggest reaching out to the Office of Patient Experience:

Mayo Clinic Office of Patient Experience
Phone: 844-544-0036 (toll free)
Email: opx@mayo.edu

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Ok, thanks to your suggestion, I just submitted dialogue to the Mayo Office of Patient Experience! I stated that I was not trying to get this Dr in trouble, but that the treatment I was getting is not acceptable. I told them about the two Drs that I found that I thought could help me and how their "self-referral" policy is failing patients. Especially since they are required to go back through their current Mayo Dr for a referral. I did tell them that I did submit a referral request on Sept 9, and that I am still waiting on a response. I also gave them details on the most recent failing performance by my Dr. I am not very hopeful that anything will come about from this, but we shall see. My Mayo experience has really been no different from the other experiences I have had with various other Drs, clinics and hospitals, and I reminded them that this is certainly not the kind of care that Mayo is currently advertising! I do have a GI appt with a PA on 10/19, so I did message him to remind me to ask for a referral to a PN specialist when I see him [because of my MCI, I may not remember]. I am not sure GI will want anything to do with this, but at least I am trying, right? Whatever......


I have a spinal cord stimulator. It does nothing for my neuropathy pain and we didn’t expect it to. It is very effective for my back/hip pain after back surgeries and arthritis.
I also take Duloxetine and Topamax and Buprenorphine patches for neuropathy. Big Pharma must love us, we take so many drugs.💊

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Does Duloxetine help with the pain? Can you take that along with Pregabalin?


Does Duloxetine help with the pain? Can you take that along with Pregabalin?

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For two years, I have said "no" to using Duloxetine (Cymbalta) for my post-stroke nerve pain. I do take a rather low dose of gabapentin, but I just am so afraid of drug side effects. I've consulted with three different neurologists and two physiatrists, and they ALL have recommended Duloxetine as the preferred treatment to reduce (not eliminate) the burning. Finally, after suffering so much all this time, I decided to commit to it and see if it helps, and have added to the gabapentin. After two months, I think it's working! I have chunks of time in most days where I am aware that the pain is less intense and I feel better. I slowly went up to the recommended 60 mg dose recommended, and the only side effect is some constipation, which can be managed.


Ok, thanks to your suggestion, I just submitted dialogue to the Mayo Office of Patient Experience! I stated that I was not trying to get this Dr in trouble, but that the treatment I was getting is not acceptable. I told them about the two Drs that I found that I thought could help me and how their "self-referral" policy is failing patients. Especially since they are required to go back through their current Mayo Dr for a referral. I did tell them that I did submit a referral request on Sept 9, and that I am still waiting on a response. I also gave them details on the most recent failing performance by my Dr. I am not very hopeful that anything will come about from this, but we shall see. My Mayo experience has really been no different from the other experiences I have had with various other Drs, clinics and hospitals, and I reminded them that this is certainly not the kind of care that Mayo is currently advertising! I do have a GI appt with a PA on 10/19, so I did message him to remind me to ask for a referral to a PN specialist when I see him [because of my MCI, I may not remember]. I am not sure GI will want anything to do with this, but at least I am trying, right? Whatever......

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I see a Neurologist who specializes in PN. Hope this helps. Pat

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