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Are you following the BRAT diet? I think that is all you personally could do along with the imodium. I had the opposite problem and ended up on the toilet for 4 hours stuck… literally. It was not anything anyone talks about on how to go without pushing! If you are having lots of diarrhea make sure you are getting enough potassium in your diet. Potatoes are high in potassium. I have bad diarrhea after my colon resection surgery… and keep losing that, which is no bueno! Definitely talk to your provider about it. I think if you aren’t doing the BRAT diet however it may be suggested! So get a leg up if you haven’t already started that! I am sorry to hear about the uterine cancer. I also had that with my hysterectomy but didn’t know until after. Lucky that it was stage 1. Not so lucky with the Colon. Another surprise of Stage 3. Sigh… what a year! I pray you won’t need more than the radiation!

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Replies to "Are you following the BRAT diet? I think that is all you personally could do along..."

I am trying to watch what I eat keeping it close to the brat diet. I usually have an episode of loose stools about two days after I have taken the imodium and all is fine for til the next time. I just wondered how long this can last. Thank you for the information and good luck to you.