Neuropathy and feet feeling heavy.

Posted by tessie63 @tessie63, Oct 5, 2023

I have neuropathy in both my hands and feet with mostly numbness and no pain. My feet are both dropped. They feel so heavy when I am walking or sitting . It is like I am dragging around 5 pound weights. I am wondering if anyone else feels the same way with this condition.

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Hi @tessie63, I mostly have numbness with my neuropathy also. I think you mentioned in an earlier post that you have neuropathy due to chemo treatments. While you wait for others to respond to your question, you might want to view the following related discussion to learn what others have shared:
--- Chemotherapy-induced neuropathy: What helps get rid of it?:

I also have some heaviness in the legs whether I'm sitting or walking. The only thing that seems to help me is to take my mind off of thinking about it, usually by walking a little around the house or some mild exercise to help with the leg strength. Have you looked into any kind of physical therapy?


Hi @tessie63, I mostly have numbness with my neuropathy also. I think you mentioned in an earlier post that you have neuropathy due to chemo treatments. While you wait for others to respond to your question, you might want to view the following related discussion to learn what others have shared:
--- Chemotherapy-induced neuropathy: What helps get rid of it?:

I also have some heaviness in the legs whether I'm sitting or walking. The only thing that seems to help me is to take my mind off of thinking about it, usually by walking a little around the house or some mild exercise to help with the leg strength. Have you looked into any kind of physical therapy?

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Thank you for the quick reply. I have had some physiotherapy but I live in Canada and due to staff shortages I do not have it anymore. They used to come to my home and that was great. Now I am expected to carry on with the exercises by myself. I think my issue is made worse by having both feet dropped. I was in the hospital for 4 months with very little physio and that gave me the dropped feet. I have seen two different podiatrists but they both tell me my feet are really paralyzed now and there is nothing they can do for this. I get around with my walker but I am unable to stand alone and exercising is not so easy. I do the best I can but sometimes I find my life exhausting now!


Hi I have similar problems both in legs and arms. Some times I feel like I'm slogging through mud. With my arms I have days I can't lift an empty clothes hanger because they feel so heavy. My PT who helped with many problems had no idea about what to do for this. I also have to hang onto railings or a wall to keep from falling. Lots of hugs


Hi I have similar problems both in legs and arms. Some times I feel like I'm slogging through mud. With my arms I have days I can't lift an empty clothes hanger because they feel so heavy. My PT who helped with many problems had no idea about what to do for this. I also have to hang onto railings or a wall to keep from falling. Lots of hugs

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Thank you Louise for the reply on heaviness in the feet. You are the only one I have heard from that has this same foot issue. I think part of the problem comes from having dropped feet. Thank you for sharing your experience with me though and I wish you the best in seeking help with your issues. Hugs


I too have numbness in my feet, legs and right hand.
My feet hurt so badly by the afternoon that I can hardly walk on them.
I use salon pas pain patches, which help me better than the cream my doc ordered made for me.
I also feel that I can’t pick my feet up when I walk, and they feel very heavy.
I attribute that to the fact that I have no feeling in my feet at all.


Harley, thank you for your reply. You are probably right about the fact that the numbness, no feeling, is contributing to the heaviness you have in your feet. Both my feet are dropped so I’m sure that is why mine feel heavy too. I know, for me, there is no hope that this condition can be corrected. The numbness is a different matter though. I keep hoping something can change this. That’s all we can do is hope and carry on with life. If I come across a solution to this I will be sure to tell everyone about it. All the best to you Harley! Hugs


@tessie63 I have the same. I have bilateral drop foot due to PN and yes, my feet feel very heavy all the time. Your feet may feel cool all the time as well. I see you live in Canada. Can a doctor assist you with any assistance in the way of AFO's. I wear them and it really helps with the drop foot and provides improved balance. Without them on, I normally need a cane and with the AFO's on, no cane needed. For me, big difference. Ed


@tessie63 I have the same. I have bilateral drop foot due to PN and yes, my feet feel very heavy all the time. Your feet may feel cool all the time as well. I see you live in Canada. Can a doctor assist you with any assistance in the way of AFO's. I wear them and it really helps with the drop foot and provides improved balance. Without them on, I normally need a cane and with the AFO's on, no cane needed. For me, big difference. Ed

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NJ Ed Thank you for your reply. It’s nice to know I’m not alone with the heavy feet problem. Yes, I have been wearing the AFOs since my run in with cancer. I can’t walk without them. I am unable to stand or walk alone without my walker. Chemo did not only affect my hands and feet but also my back. My doctor thinks some of the nerves in my back were probably affected there. I never want to go through surgery again so I have been putting off getting my spinal column and neck checked out. I am finally going to a doctor to see about getting that done now. If surgery is required I would not do that again but just knowing what is causing my problems will make me feel better. Just maybe there is a solution without the surgery. Thanks again for answering my email and making me feel not so alone in fighting this illness. Hugs


I have heavy and numbness in my ankle and walk with a walker. Cane is not enough support for me. What is AFO? People who are able tend to be critical, saying you should walk with a cane. I have big balance issues and a meningioma which is contributing to this problem of balance.


I have heavy and numbness in my ankle and walk with a walker. Cane is not enough support for me. What is AFO? People who are able tend to be critical, saying you should walk with a cane. I have big balance issues and a meningioma which is contributing to this problem of balance.

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AFO - Ankle Foot Orthoses.....various manufacturers and the cost of mine were covered by insurance due to the fact the doctor wrote a prescription, and I went to a company that fit me for the product I'm wearing. Without the AFO's I walk like I have flippers strapped to my feet. With them on, close to normal walk but my gait is still unusual. For me, the balance is controlled from below the knee where I don't have neuropathy.

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