No diagnosis but have had difficult 5 years of GI issues

Posted by genise22 @genise22, Oct 1, 2023

I started having Gastrointestinal issues in 2018 out of nowhere. I was a healthy kid and up to that point a healthy teenager. I had no issues with different foods and my food options consisted of a variety of foods with no restrictions. My parents loved to cook so we rarely ate out or had processed foods. But in 2018 that all changed and I started experiencing severe abdominal pain and bloating after eating food along with constipation. My bloating was so painful I looked 5 months pregnant and it normally would occur within 30 minutes to an hour. I have seen 3 gastroenterologists (2 pediatric gastroenterologists and 1 adult gastroenterologist) and have had a colonoscopy, endoscopy, been tested for celiac disease, SIBO, and had negative exams for Crohns and ulcerative colitis, I’ve had a lot of blood work, CT scans and X-rays (to monitor constipation) and everything has come back normal or negative. I’ve eliminated dairy and have maintained a FODMAP diet for two years now because dairy and FODMAP foods make it worse but even “safe foods” from the low FODMAP diet are still causing abdominal pain. It’s almost as if my stomach is just sensitive to food all of a sudden and it struggles to digest it. I am at a loss as to what is going on with my gastrointestinal system and after 5 years of dealing with this and being so restricted with food it’s starting to affect my mental well-being because I have no answers and no relief. The only symptom I have been able to “fix” is the constipation but unfortunately because I’m taking Motegrity for it. If anyone knows something that can help or can help guide me. I just want to be normal again and be pain free. I’m desperate for answers.

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Hi, it's amazing that I have had the exact same situation going on since Thanksgiving Day 2018. Been diagnosed with IBSC. All kinds of tests, scans, colonoscopy, endoscopy... You name it. My issues are slow digestion, constipation, pain, and bloating. Been on 290 much. Linzess; doesn't work, Amitiza; doesn't work, so I alternate my laxatives. M.O.M. one day, Magnesium Citrate, Dulcolax tablets and suppositories. But it takes twice as long to work ( up to 16 hours), and I take double or triple the recommended dose. It's affecting my life and mental well-being.

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Know how you feel, it is ruining my life. Was dx with diverticulitis or the other I don't remember. I eat well and stopped drinking alcohol. I do smoke though. Gastro doctors are horrible, pay for pay for that.


Know how you feel, it is ruining my life. Was dx with diverticulitis or the other I don't remember. I eat well and stopped drinking alcohol. I do smoke though. Gastro doctors are horrible, pay for pay for that.

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Oh my gosh! Same here! Told me on last year's endoscopy I had ALD ( alcoholic liver disease) , I'm turning 64 and started drinking when I was 17, so I guess it all caught up with me. I stopped drinking as well, but still smoke. Don't feel any better though.
With all the technology, I don't understand why these GI Drs. can't help so many of us. And I was told they don't do "direct admission" into hospital anymore; have to go to ER,; at least in CT which I actually did; what a waste of time and money! And your name is Debbie, too? Wow ! I just joined this group yesterday and you were the first person I reached out to. Thanks for that, Debbie. Wish we could find answers. Deb 🙏


Where are you from? Florida here.


Where are you from? Florida here. Gallbladder removed 20 yrs ago


Hi, it's amazing that I have had the exact same situation going on since Thanksgiving Day 2018. Been diagnosed with IBSC. All kinds of tests, scans, colonoscopy, endoscopy... You name it. My issues are slow digestion, constipation, pain, and bloating. Been on 290 much. Linzess; doesn't work, Amitiza; doesn't work, so I alternate my laxatives. M.O.M. one day, Magnesium Citrate, Dulcolax tablets and suppositories. But it takes twice as long to work ( up to 16 hours), and I take double or triple the recommended dose. It's affecting my life and mental well-being.

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@debstummy2023 .. slow digestion... can be Gastropanesis... Have you been to Mayo GI dept...for a diagnosis.. they are #1.. what my local GIs could not figure out in 2 months Mayo GI figured out in a day... get a referral from locals and go to
the best..


Where are you from? Florida here.

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I'm in CT...
From my prior comment about Drs. don't do direct admission to hospitals; have to go to ER,; is it the same way in FL?


@debstummy2023 .. slow digestion... can be Gastropanesis... Have you been to Mayo GI dept...for a diagnosis.. they are #1.. what my local GIs could not figure out in 2 months Mayo GI figured out in a day... get a referral from locals and go to
the best..

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Thanks, no I haven't, but think I will! Deb


@debstummy2023 .. slow digestion... can be Gastropanesis... Have you been to Mayo GI dept...for a diagnosis.. they are #1.. what my local GIs could not figure out in 2 months Mayo GI figured out in a day... get a referral from locals and go to
the best..

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OMG. This could be it. I've had bloating, weight gain, feeling full for over a year now. I've had every test and been to so many drs and no one can diagnose it, as all the tests come out "great". This makes the most sense!


Checking in- what do you think about our postings to you as well as conversations among others?


3 ER visits in 3 days with severe abdominal pain , shortness of breath, blood in urine back pain
1st visit ct with contrast = 1 kidney stone non obstructing left side should cause no pain go home
Same day back again
2nd visit-ct with contrast= multiple stones both sides and impacted bowel( is this even possible in less than 24 hours??)
Next day university hospital
3rd visit= no idea ??
Next GI visit=“your symptoms are weird”(word for word)
Colonoscopy = diverticulosis and polyp removal (should not have caused pain or obstruction?)
Next visit urologist-
We need to do cystoscope for possibly nothing, renal failure or tumor but can’t do for 3 weeks as we are booked ( really???)
Still having shortness of breath when I do anything physical (as I wait for any diagnosis )bloating and back pain hoping Mayo can help
Has anyone else had issues with shortness of breath for GI or kidney problems

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