Thigh burning, tingling pain down to foot and toes

Posted by daisy22 @daisy22, Oct 3, 2023

I had anterior total hip done 04/22 and still continue with thigh pain, tingling, trouble walking, standing or sitting and the tingling goes down to the toes. The surgeon never informed me of this until about 4 months later when I mentioned it. He said it would go away at 1 year. Mentioned it after 1 year and now says 2 years. Then he told me he could have hit the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve or damaged it. I've seen an orthopedist, neurologist with no answers. Does anyone have this and does it get better or what kind of doctor should I see? I'm willing to drive to Mayo in Rochester if someone there can help.

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Amazing how you just can’t trust the words of others on this earth these days….especially inexperienced new doctors, doctors that say they have 20, 30 years of experience yet only have a few reviews….It take decades upon decades helping others to become a doctor….not just medical school or college. LOTS OF EXPERIENCE…..


I suggest getting a new neurologist and orthopedic doctor that specializes in hip and/or lumbar spine. I have cervical spondilytic myelopathy c5c6 that improved walking, weakness in legs and bladder control after ACDF surgery to relieve pressure and stop injury to spinal cord. I also have degenerative disc disease and moderate to severe spinal stenosis which causes pain, weakness, numbness and tingling in hips, buttocks, down legs and to feet. It sounds like you need a full assessment by a neurologist of where your nerves are being affected (lower body EMG) and updated MRI of lumbar spine and hips. You could have new disc issues and peripheral nerve entrapment that surfaced post hip surgery, scar tissue post surgery could be a problem or your surgeon caused this. You need a second or third opinion since your current surgeon is being dismissive. Good luck advocating for yourself and don’t give up until you get some relief! You also need help managing chronic nerve and joint pain through medications, like Cymbalta/duloxetine, steroidal injections, etc. Living with chronic pain has really done a number on my mental health so getting a good psychologist who specializes in patients living with chronic pain would also be a good self care step.


I truly wish you luck in this broken medical system. I truly do.


@daisy22 Welcome to Mayo Connect, where patients and caregivers support one another through the medical issues we face.
I'm sorry that you are having this issue after your hip surgery, the surgeon was undoubtedly giving you advice based on his usual experience, but once in a while a person doesn't have the "normal" experience, and can baffle the medical professionals. Nerves, when damaged, are notoriously slow to heal - like 1mm per day. And if severed or compressed, I am not sure what the prognosis would be.

It seems like you have been more than patient in waiting to heal, and it might be time to check with Mayo or a local hospital/university with an orthopedic teaching department. You can contact Mayo here:

May I ask what the neurologist had to say, and what test(s) they may have done?
Also, at any point were you sent for rehabilitative physical therapy to try to get you mobile again?


@daisy22 Welcome to Mayo Connect, where patients and caregivers support one another through the medical issues we face.
I'm sorry that you are having this issue after your hip surgery, the surgeon was undoubtedly giving you advice based on his usual experience, but once in a while a person doesn't have the "normal" experience, and can baffle the medical professionals. Nerves, when damaged, are notoriously slow to heal - like 1mm per day. And if severed or compressed, I am not sure what the prognosis would be.

It seems like you have been more than patient in waiting to heal, and it might be time to check with Mayo or a local hospital/university with an orthopedic teaching department. You can contact Mayo here:

May I ask what the neurologist had to say, and what test(s) they may have done?
Also, at any point were you sent for rehabilitative physical therapy to try to get you mobile again?

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The neurologist told me I need to go back to the ortho doc or find another ortho or neurologist to treat me. I had an MRI that shows levels of herniation and bulging at all levels of the spine plus spondylolisthesis at L5-S1 but since the cortisone shot relieved my back pain for 2 days that means my spine is fine. I've not gone to any PT for the leg, only after the hip arthroplasty. I don't know what the treatment would be for the thigh meralgia paresthetica. I can walk, but only for short distances before the pain starts and goes into my back. Thanks for the info above.


@daisy2 Welcome to connect I had a fall and crushed my nerve ,giving the burning tingling thighs the Dr said it's a prudendel nerves that are involved plus the sciatica is pinched between the vertebras with that said only nerve medicine that neuroshish the nerves help ,a cold washcloth cools the burning but with scoliosis,stenosis,hernitedand bulging disc I have only a steroid shot,s help .I wish you luck .

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