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Pain And Changes In Weather...Am I Alone????

Chronic Pain | Last Active: Oct 21, 2023 | Replies (149)

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Welcome to Connect @csearch. Just wanted to say hello! I see you've found that you are not alone in your "talents". Cute way to put it. It does stink for sure! I've found out that because of a process called central sensitization the body feels more, kind of like a loud speaker. Here's more about central sensitization from an in depth scientific perspective - in case you are interested...

Pub Med Central - Central Sensitization: A Generator of Pain Hypersensitivity by Central Neural Plasticity:

And a more simplified video version from Dr. Sletten of Jacksonville Mayo Clinic -

Central Sensitization Syndrome - Dr. Christopher Sletten:

Knowing the "why behind the what" sometimes helps put the pieces together to better understand but obviously doesn't change the fact that it is what it is. You ask if there are any solutions - unfortunately, only symptom management as you have found out from your own journey. Besides medication, do you find other ways to work through the rise in symptoms during the spring and summer?

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Replies to "Welcome to Connect @csearch. Just wanted to say hello! I see you've found that you are..."

Great answer, thank you. I think we all seem to feel most doctors dismiss this as an old wives tale, and painkillers are the only real true relief. I think we would all like a cure but alas none is on the horizon. My son has the same talent so he is not impressed I passed it on to him.

Rachel, sorry I didn't answer your question about finding other ways in spring and summer. The answer is I do not know any other ways to work through it (I have tried everything cold packs, heat, vitamins, acupuncture, herbal, chiro etc.) other than sucking it up and waiting it out and taking a painkiller when it is no longer bearable, or it impacts or restricts your life. I spent a lot of time working in the jungles of the Amazon where the pressure rarely changes much and guess what, no pain.