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<p>Transanal flush post sigmoid colectomy for FREQUENT bm</p><p>I had 20 inches bowel resection sigmoid colectomy 10 months ago to remove a build up tissue blockage caused by repeated divirticulitis attacks. I currently have 9+ bm's a day- soft, not diarhea, just pencil like stool in the bowl. I wear a pad for leakage because if I dont use the bathroom about every 1.5-2 hours, I soil the pad. This is so frustrating to me because I am very active and athletic, and this has changed my life. The surgeon never mentioned this side effect. If I carry anything heavy or stress my body, I often have an accident. I rarely feel when I have soiled the pad, but if I feel the sensation to defecate, I usually only have 1-2 minutes to find a bathroom, or there is a disaster. I currently only eat 1 meal a day, but that doesnt seem to change anything, and have had gluten and lactose issues for a long time, so I am careful. Someone mentioned a transanal flush. Has anyone with my similar issue ever used this, and is it helpful?. I am a very fit 66 year old and cannot imagine tbe rest of my life being tethered to nearby bathroom facilities everywhere I go.</p>

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Replies to "Transanal flush post sigmoid colectomy for FREQUENT bmI had 20 inches bowel resection sigmoid colectomy 10..."

Hi @nelliekittyhaven, this must be frustrating to be limited in your movements and activities due to frequent bowel movements. While 10 months may seem like a long time, our GI track can take a while to adjust. The bowel movement experiences vary dramatically post surgery for diverticulitis. Some people deal with constipation, others diarrhea. I've had stress without surgery lead to a prolonged period like the frequent soft stools you describe.

Here's a short list of similar discussions that illustrate the various experiences:
- Small Bowel/Ileocecal Valve Resection: 10 months post-op and no relief https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/small-bowelileocecal-valve-resection-10-months-post-op-and-no-relief/
– Colon Resection for Diverticulitis and Chronic Constipation
You may also wish to connect with members in this related discussion:
– Seeking support for recovery from diverticulitis surgery
May I ask what your surgeon suggested to do? How are you doing today?
- – Problems months after colon resection surgery: What Helps? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/three-months-after-colon-surgery/

I'm tagging a few fellow members, like @suziq52 @anniegk @ppat4pr @ono @blbanner @jlstjohn

Nellie, how are you doing now?