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Right now, my skin is on FIRE! Also feels like I'm being poked with sharp needles everywhere. The pain in unbearable and I can't live like this.

I'm reposting and praying someone on this forum who has the same unbearable symptom has found relief and what medication used. I can't get help from any of the MD's. They keep sending to another specialist who say they can't help. Saw an allergist/immunologist specialist last week who did nothing and then told to see a rheumatologist, she ran a bunch of tests, all fine and both said they can't offer any support and I need to talk to my PCP, but he won't help at all.

As I type, I'm crying in horrible pain and because none of the doctors can see the pain, they don't understand. I'm now down to 88 lbs.

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Replies to "Right now, my skin is on FIRE! Also feels like I'm being poked with sharp needles..."

Oh @summerof42 I wish I could just sprinkle cure on food for you. So many of us here are seeing light at end of tunnel and
have upmost empathy for you from experiencing similar debilitating and excruciating indescribable myriad of symptoms that only those of us going through this can begin to understand. Seems time and unwavering mindful daily pacing and oneself addressing their biggest symptom first to allow more small healing steps in other areas over time for our individual bodies to feel real improvement. I am almost 2 years out with this and literally thought last year I was dying. Yesterday I held my granddaughters hand and so grateful Im here and like so many others will continue to regain life back. I truly hope you can glean helpful information to practice from so many past posts to start seeing your improvement while the medical community continues the monumental documenting and publishing to help future generations. Upmost blessings to you!🌈