What caused my knee to buckle?

Posted by td29 @td29, Sep 9, 2023

About three weeks ago, I woke up with my left knee (TKR about two years ago ) really hurting. Later that day as I was walking in my backyard, I felt a sharp stabbing pain which caused my knee to buckle, and I fell down. Do any of you have any ideas what caused this? Also , do any of you” feel” your TKR a few years after the procedure or does your knee feel like it did before the replacement but without the pain?

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Thank you very much for that. I guess I'm just sensitive because if one more person tells me "I never heard of that," or "why is it taking so long for you...I know someone who runs a marathon....." Etc. Believe me, I want that to be me. I did all the work and continue to exercise the knee following the instructions from physical therapy which I did until four months after surgery. I still do my exercises every day. My very first surgery was botched and they did not use glue (according to my second surgeon) and the knee started to literally bow inside my body. So the revision was successful but according to my doctor that knee will never be the same since they have to use such a large implant with revision and they cut more bone in the process. I accept that, but I had high hopes for the second tkr. I guess I'm just waiting for the magic to begin:) Thanks again for your kind words.

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I’m very sorry you’re going through this, & totally empathize. I was in great shape and worked out before surgery, did everything prescribed after surgery, & continue to work hard, yet I have had multiple problems which still remain six months after surgery. My orthopedist is dismissive, and no one seems to be able to diagnose exactly what’s going on. I’m hoping that we will both end up with good outcomes, but I definitely understand how one can become discouraged and depressed when they do everything right, yet, everything seems to turn out wrong. Hang in there, and try and keep thinking positively.


I’m very sorry you’re going through this, & totally empathize. I was in great shape and worked out before surgery, did everything prescribed after surgery, & continue to work hard, yet I have had multiple problems which still remain six months after surgery. My orthopedist is dismissive, and no one seems to be able to diagnose exactly what’s going on. I’m hoping that we will both end up with good outcomes, but I definitely understand how one can become discouraged and depressed when they do everything right, yet, everything seems to turn out wrong. Hang in there, and try and keep thinking positively.

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Thank you so much. And I wish the same for you. Perhaps a year from now we'll be in that group of people who are thriving with their implants. I really hope so for both our sake. I will continue to try to be positive. Heck, I am ambulatory. That is most definitely something. Good luck to you as well and thanks for your support. Sometimes it's just a matter of knowing you're not alone or CRAZY:)


Thank you so much. And I wish the same for you. Perhaps a year from now we'll be in that group of people who are thriving with their implants. I really hope so for both our sake. I will continue to try to be positive. Heck, I am ambulatory. That is most definitely something. Good luck to you as well and thanks for your support. Sometimes it's just a matter of knowing you're not alone or CRAZY:)

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I agree! It helps to know you’re not the only one going through tough times. Hoping we can post how well we (finally) recovered in the not too distant future…


I understand how you feel. I did PT for a year just to get back to close to normal. Had a fall 3 weeks ago and now it's like I'm starting all over again. It's hard. 🙁


I understand how you feel. I did PT for a year just to get back to close to normal. Had a fall 3 weeks ago and now it's like I'm starting all over again. It's hard. 🙁

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I am so sorry to hear. Falling is definitely a fear. Hopefully you'll bounce back faster due to all the exercise.


I have never stopped my exercises because it just has never felt like it was good enough to quit. I went back to my surgeon and he took xrays and said everything was fine. I asked why I was having so much pain and stiffness and he basically said I may just be in that percentage of people that will just have pain. I'm not ok with that answer but not sure where to go from here. I called another Dr for a 2nd opinion and after seeing my xray his nurse called me and said he wasn't willing to do a second opinion. Are there things that can be wrong that wouldn't show on an xray?

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You need to get a third opinion! If that doctor gives you the runaround then keep going to different Orthos til you find one who can help you. The one that told you he doesn’t do a second opinion should be a red flag that something is seriously wrong here! You have to be your own health advocate as I have found that no one in the medical profession at least around here will be! Do not give up!


I am so sorry to hear. Falling is definitely a fear. Hopefully you'll bounce back faster due to all the exercise.

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Hope so, Thanks!


You need to get a third opinion! If that doctor gives you the runaround then keep going to different Orthos til you find one who can help you. The one that told you he doesn’t do a second opinion should be a red flag that something is seriously wrong here! You have to be your own health advocate as I have found that no one in the medical profession at least around here will be! Do not give up!

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Same here. All said revision would be disastrous. We are better off with a ASE mechanic!

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