Itchy scalp caused by cervical osteoarthritis?
For the past 18 months I have dealt with an itchy scalp, but no dandruff, no redness or other symptoms. I tried every shampoo imaginable and finally today went to my Dermatologist, who after examining my scalp, asked if I had arthritis in my neck! I do! I have cervical osteoarthritis. Imagine my surprise when he quickly diagnosed and all the pieces of the puzzle came together. He smiled when he said none of the shampoos I bought would help this. He prescribed a topical application - Clobetasol 0.05% twice a day for 2 weeks then 3x a week. He said it might help--the cost to me is $154.63 for one month. I have now asked if there is a more cost effective med. Have any of you experienced this--and if so, how do you deal with it? Is it permanent and will it get even worse as I age?
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@buck12 Welcome to Mayo Connect - and welcome to prescription medication sticker shock!
Here are a couple of options for you - GoodRx has coupons for this medication. In my town, with the GoodRx coupon, I can get a 30 day supply for under $30 at WalMart, HyVee and Costco.
The second is to have the pharmacist check to be sure the doctor has allowed for generic or other brand substitution. If it is not either checked off or stated on the prescription, the Rx must be filled with the exact specified med. GoodRx coupons sometimes work on one brand, but not another.
Unfortunately, there does not seem to be a generic on the market yet.
@buck12 wow! I’m trying to understand.
You have arthritis in your neck and it’s causing your scalp to itch. Is it a nerve issue under your scalp? Does your scalp hurt (feel very sore) when you touch it?
The dermatologist gave you a topical cream. Does it get put on your scalp or your neck?
I’m having similar issues with itching. I have occipital neuralgia so my scalp gets tender because the nerves under the scalp are inflamed. That happened when my neck and skull became misaligned.
Sue--Thank you so much! I will check on GoodRx - what a great recommendation--and solution to the high cost. I appreciate the welcome and your valuable input.
Hi Susan--Yes, I have cervical (neck) osteoarthritis. The Doctor told me that due to this the nerves can be pinched, thus causing the scalp nerve endings to itch. I am fortunate in that I have no pain, only itching. He prescribed a topical solution (clobetasol) to put on my scalp--hopefully this will calm the nerve endings and thus resolve the itching. This sadly, if it works, will be a maintenance type of resolution--as it will not end it. If this does not work I am to call him and he prescribe a second topical drug. Sounds similar to what you are experiencing---was just so strange that he hit on the cause after looking at my scalp and not seeing any irritation or flaking--he knew right away what to ask me.
My scalp itches, but I also have my back itching like crazy. Is this also from the cervical osteoarthritis? Is there any exercise or therapy that might help?