← Return to CA 19-9 Levels - What is High Enough to Cause Concern for Prognosis?

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Hello @denip and welcome to the Pancreatic Cancer support group on Mayo Connect. Your concern over your husband's CA 19-9 level is certainly understandable. From your post, though, it does appear that this is a recent diagnosis and that he has just started chemotherapy. Is my understanding correct?

As I read your post, I was pleased to see that you mentioned that there doesn't seem to be any, "evidence of spread." I'm sure you are both pleased about that. Using chemo to shrink the tumor before surgery does seem to be a standard method of treatment. Please know, however, that if you have any concerns, or doubts about your husband's care it is always your right to get a second opinion. If you would like a second opinion, I would encourage you to go to a cancer center of excellence such as Mayo Clinic (here is the link for appointments, http://mayocl.in/1mtmR63). A university, or other research hospital is also a good place to get a second opinion.

That being said, I would like to invite some other members of this support group to post with you regarding their experiences with pancreatic cancer. Please meet, @howleegirl and @markymarkfl. @lvtexas and @kim1965. They will all be great resources for encouragement and support as you journey through this diagnosis.

How is your husband feeling now? Is he able to manage the side effects of the chemotherapy? How is his appetite?

Will you continue to post and let me know how you are doing?

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Replies to "Hello @denip and welcome to the Pancreatic Cancer support group on Mayo Connect. Your concern over..."

Thank you so much for your warm response! My husband is in quite a bit of pain. His flanks have been irritated since he had an endoscopic biospy done a couple of weeks ago. He also just had his port installed this week and is uncomfortable with that. Treatments were delayed because of a hiccup but are set to start this coming Thursday.