Surgeon recommendations: How did you choose a surgeon?

Posted by nikkifrn @nikkifrn, Jul 30, 2023

I am waiting for biopsy results but a radiologist told me he is sure I have breast cancer based on ultrasound characteristics of a mass. Can anyone give me surgeon recommendations? I feel like I’m going in blind! Thank you!

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Welcome to Connect!
I’m sorry about your diagnosis- it is scary at first. I was diagnosed at age 48 31 years ago. Anger is another feeling I remember. Actually, I’m still angry.
Living in West Palm Beach you are not too far from major university hospitals- I would look for a surgeon in such a medical center. Also- you still have time to get a second and third opinion.
Is there a hospital that’s well known for their breast cancer treatment? Mayo Clinic?
It’s very good that you have friends in Miami and Jacksonville.
Genetic testing results usually take a while to get. However, that’s a question you can ask the surgeons you visit.
Get started with finding the major medical centers and read up on them.


Welcome to Connect!
I’m sorry about your diagnosis- it is scary at first. I was diagnosed at age 48 31 years ago. Anger is another feeling I remember. Actually, I’m still angry.
Living in West Palm Beach you are not too far from major university hospitals- I would look for a surgeon in such a medical center. Also- you still have time to get a second and third opinion.
Is there a hospital that’s well known for their breast cancer treatment? Mayo Clinic?
It’s very good that you have friends in Miami and Jacksonville.
Genetic testing results usually take a while to get. However, that’s a question you can ask the surgeons you visit.
Get started with finding the major medical centers and read up on them.

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Thank you ! Just reached out to Mayo Clinic - will expect call on Monday about second opinion . Lots of health to you !


@Joanna I checked reviews to find a surgeon.

Are you certain you will have radiation? Is your DCIS ER+? Are you having an Oncotype after surgery? You will know more then.

I had a mastectomy to avoid radiation, but many of my friends had it without too much trouble other than skin issues.


@Joanna I checked reviews to find a surgeon.

Are you certain you will have radiation? Is your DCIS ER+? Are you having an Oncotype after surgery? You will know more then.

I had a mastectomy to avoid radiation, but many of my friends had it without too much trouble other than skin issues.

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First Surgeon told me about radiation after lumpectomy and then medication for 5 years . However I have another consult coming . Yes , I have DCIS ER+. I am also checking reviews ...
Thank you for your comment .


First Surgeon told me about radiation after lumpectomy and then medication for 5 years . However I have another consult coming . Yes , I have DCIS ER+. I am also checking reviews ...
Thank you for your comment .

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If you are highly ER+ you might ask if the treatment with aromatase inhibitors (or tamoxifen if younger) will be sufficient without the radiation.

I was told that one out of 5 radiation oncologists would want me to have radiation. I did not, and am 9 years out now. I got 4 opinions on treatment.


<p>DCIS of the left breast . 53 years old . Visited breast surgeon already . Going for second opinion next week ... mood swings , can't stop crying and make myself thinking positive... How to choose the best surgeon ? Few names from friends were given to me from Miami university hospital , Mayo Clinic , Baptist health Miami .....<br />I live in West Palm Beach so my concern is traveling everyday for treatment after surgery , like radiation ...<br />I have friends which offered help in Miami or Jacksonville so I could stay there during the process ....<br />I also read about radiation and see that there are proton therapy , IORT, 15 days , 30 days .... according to the surgeon they don't know details about treatment yet since another pathology will be done after lumpectomy ...not every hospital has updated equipment I guess ... since this is left breast and hearth underneath, I am extremely concerned...Also my genetic testing is scheduled for month after surgery and what if I have mutation in genes ? Then another , more serious surgery will be done ? Shouldn't genetic testing be done before lumpectomy ? I am not sure how to choose the right facility and surgeon and what I should concentrate on ... history of anxiety is definitely factor to all of it . I just want to make smart decisions and feel comfortable about my choices .... Thank you all . Prayers for all of you ladies going through this horrible experience! Ugh !</p>

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I also have my surgery scheduled, but my surgeon also scheduled genetic testing (which came negative) as she wanted to get the result before the surgery. She said that the result of genetic testing may change the surgery plan if required.


If you are highly ER+ you might ask if the treatment with aromatase inhibitors (or tamoxifen if younger) will be sufficient without the radiation.

I was told that one out of 5 radiation oncologists would want me to have radiation. I did not, and am 9 years out now. I got 4 opinions on treatment.

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Good to know ! Thank you SO MUCH for this piece of information. I am glad that I signed up with this group . I don't feel alone .... 🙏🏻💕


I also have my surgery scheduled, but my surgeon also scheduled genetic testing (which came negative) as she wanted to get the result before the surgery. She said that the result of genetic testing may change the surgery plan if required.

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Exactly . That is important in my opinion . Need to check if other centers can do testing sooner for me . Thank you .


If you are highly ER+ you might ask if the treatment with aromatase inhibitors (or tamoxifen if younger) will be sufficient without the radiation.

I was told that one out of 5 radiation oncologists would want me to have radiation. I did not, and am 9 years out now. I got 4 opinions on treatment.

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I didn’t know if not going for radiation is also an option. I have also been recommended radiation and then Tamoxifen after Lumpectomy.



I know all of us when faced with this come in with fear and uncertainty. I had gone to a brand new dr recommended by a friend, and the PA helped me. Sent me for a Ultrasound, then added a biopsy that same day. Results, Stage2! Yikes Er+/Pr-, Her2-.
She suggested a local surgeon or the City of Hope. I chose the CO. I looked through my insurance and found a breast surgeon at the COH. 3 weeks till my appointment. I let it go. Just went about my days as Covid still had me at home working.
Once I got to COH, MRI, an Ultrasound, a CT scan. At one of those meetings a women named "snow" came in to ask me if I would like the genetic test. I did. I had been a platelet donor at the Red Cross for 25 years. Why not?
2 days before Chemo was to begin, and 2 days after my port was put in, I got the BRCA2 diagnosis. Crazy.
My chemo plan did change with this diagnosis. I truly hope you have a "cancer hospital" you are able to go to, as they specialize. I would have gone to the Mayo Clinic if I did not have the COH. Once you have the Dr, the fest of the team will be assembled. I honestly did not pick any of them. My breast surgeon had a wonderful. Medical oncologist she worked with, and my breast surgeon also had a great plastics dr. Check out the links. You will find many shares on this topic. We all walk through it, not all the same but lots of shared experiences.
All my best to rest a take it a day at a time. A test at a time......

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