← Return to New PMR patient, wondering if mornings will become pain free someday

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I was dx with PMR in March 2023. I saw my internist and rheumatologist for the persistent pain. Before being dx, i had steroid shots in my shoulders with relief for only a few days. My hips were sore as well and was scheduled for a steroid hip injection. I saw the chiropractor regularly without relief of pain. They prescribed different doses of Prednisone and Prednisolene.
In May was hospitalized with double pneumonia. While in the hospital I was dx with MAI and bronchiectasis. I was referred to ID, pulmonary, cardiology, eye, hearing etc. i needed to start on the Big 3 drug treatment .
I have been on this treatment since June 2023 once I was cleared and had the baselines in place to start this regimen.
My problem is not the MAI treatment, it is the pain I am never out of from the PMR. I wish I only had it in the morning. It is quite debilitating . I had to stop working. My job was physical . I loved my job and hope to get back to it. I was very active worked and took care of my grandkids! This is very difficult to adjust too!
They suggested I stop the MAI treatment to treat the PMR pain. My pain was still present even before I started the MAI treatment. I have been on 50 mg of prednisolene with ridiculous pain. They cannot keep me on this high dose either.
I don’t want to stop the MAI treatment to have an additional setback. I go for the sputum check at the end of October.
This has been extremely tough but glad to have this site to follow up on the experience of others.
I look forward to having a day of being pain free.

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Replies to "I was dx with PMR in March 2023. I saw my internist and rheumatologist for the..."

Hi @lpilla, Welcome to Connect. So sorry to hear you have other conditions making the treatment difficult. I know that can't be easy for you. My PMR is in remission now but hopefully others that have experience similar to yours can share with you. There are many MAI related discussions that might also be helpful. I did a search using MAI at the top of the Connect window. You might want to look through the discussions and comments listed in the results to see if any might be helpful - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/search/discussions/?search=MAI.

Also, there are may other PMR discussions in the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group here that might be helpful - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/polymyalgia-rheumatica-pmr/.

Have your doctors suggested any alternative treatment for the PMR pain?