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@judy75 not sure why i thought of a funny response, as have felt so awful lately , know yu do too, and just home an hour after having largest molar in my mouth taken out... he had a hard time as roots 'very wide" and i had numbing but he broke the tooth up first as full of fillings.... ugh ugh and ugh. i could feel the vibrations of him rocking each root back and forth a lot, to dislodge them..and grind them.... it was brutal but didnt want to leave the tooth and end up on even more anticiotics which gave me c diff in first plant.
regardless: reading your note , and it's NOT funny at all for any of us with bowel issues; but i had ibs-d for years before c diff, had runny diarrhea all during c diff and months of VANCO, and ended up with faecal incontinence; the only thing that saves me 50 per cent of the time is Imodium. Then its like rabbit poo and - this is even more "gross" than your question; sometimes i go to bathroom to pee and there on the floor is a little brown ball; or shower and in the drain is a little brown ball and we have a dog as a pet not a rabbit!!!
I am making a joke of it but it's enough to drive me to drink. i would say in past 2 years i have had may be three times a normal sausage bowel movement and overjoyed and felt like taking a photo - its like a rare siting!!!! So didnt have formed stool before c.diff and havent had since... i have forgotten what its like to have normal bowls.........think i have had too much happen to my bowel and now at 77 i don't want to pursue.... i have other issues with health physical and mental and just cant go through the colonoscopies etc etc etc.
i will say though, had fecal transplant been available to me at age 65 or before i would have had it in a minute with no hesitation... am sure it could not have been worse than the last ten years or more.
Best of luck and on this site there is no such thing as "gross" Take care my dear J.

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Replies to "@judy75 not sure why i thought of a funny response, as have felt so awful lately..."

Oh my gosh! I can’t imagine! The world of gut problems. You just never know what to expect and the problems have to be the grossest in the body. It takes a very special person to go into gastro medicine. They earn every penny of their income and more.
I agree there are times I want to take a picture of my BMs just to show the dr what’s going on.
You are fortunate to get to the dentist. I need to have dental work done but don’t trust my gut to sit in the chair without needing to use the loo. I don’t want him to be in the middle of a procedure and me having to jump out of the chair to go to the bathroom.
Please take care. It’s time I find my way to bed.